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         As soon as I opened my eyes, I took a inhale of fresh air greedily, the nightmares plagued my sleep as I looked towards the window that were partly covered i realised it was still night, glancing towards the table clock that was placed on the bedside table.

         It read 03:12 in the morning, knowing I no longer would be able to sleep I got up and made my way towards the suitcase that was sitting in the far corner of my room, i grabbed them and dragged it towards the closet.

         I didn't had too many clothes, only few that I bought before running away from this city and a few that were donated to the orphanage. I started arranging the few clothes that I had, most of the closet was empty.

         The clothes only took one third of the space, I moved towards the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit that I saw previously while showering, i shoved the bundle of bandages and painkillers in it.

         I always had painkillers on me, infact I worked on painkillers, talking of the devil i felt faint ache in my ribs, grabbing two of the tablets i swallowed them dry, by now I was sure it's been more than anything hour so i decided to get ready for the day now.

         Grabbing a full sleeves black tshirt with white strips and baggy white ripped jeans, the only other pair I had of shoes was the black sneakers beside the ones I was wearing, I stripped off the clothes that I had on and made my way inside the glass box ignoring the reflection of my beaten body.

         I was petrified everytime I saw my own reflection, I was adorned with numerous scars and bruises always, a constant reminder of my torturous life not like i could ever forget about it but it made things all more real.

         Sometimes I wished that I would die in my sleep, I wished to escape peacefully, I heard about broken heart syndrome and was always wondering why did my heart didn't fail even after everything.

         Was I not broken enough?

         Maybe yes I wasn't broken fully cause still in some corner of my heart I had hope which compelled me everyday to work, to eat.

         As much as i wanted to give up i couldn't simply because i knew if Blake saw me giving up he would be disappointed, he was optimistic, a ball of sunshine, the bracelet was a constant reminder of him, sometimes it felt like a torture, I wanted to remove it from my wrist and put it far away where I will never see it again.

         But, there was always a but, I felt bad, bad for wanting to forget about him, but for once I wanted to be selfish, I wanted to be happy and live a normal life.

         I scrubbed myself with soap lightly not wanting to hurt myself more and disturb the healing of the injuries as I went gently over them.

         After a while I stepped out and wrapped a fluffy towel around myself, daringly making my way towards the mirror I faced the ugly reality, one side of my face had blue bruises of finger from the night when Flavio grabbed my cheeks.

         Covering the evidences with makeup I got dressed and did my hair into a simple braid, by the time I was ready the clock read 05:17 AM, i slowly opened the door of my room and slipped into the hallway.

         It was even more dark as the sun was not fully out, the eerie feeling gave me goosebumps, i remembered the way of kitchen and decided to go and make myself a cup of coffee, hopefully they didn't mind it.

         If I was not allowed I would have been told that but Domenico haven't said anything about it so I hoped that it didn't matter. As i stepped in the kitchen I looked around and thankfully there was no one.

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