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The sudden knock on the door startled me as I sat upright and in came none other than my stalker twin, he was dressed in a white dress shirt and black trousers and as always he had a blank face on.

I wondered if these people ever showed emotions, they seemed like complicated family but who am I to judge? I met them just twenty four hours ago and maybe they are tired.

As he gestured me to follow, I went behind him and closed the door of my room and tried to memorize the way back, the dark hallway had a eerie feeling to it.

Upon reaching the dinning room I saw everyone sitting comfortably with Domenico at the head of the table, the chair on his right was empty while on the left one sat Elio, assuming that the blank seat was for Damon I moved to sit next to Rico.

Before I could sit Damon hurled me towards his seat and ordered Alessandro to go sit next to Alessio, I shook my head and tugged on his sleeves to tell him I can sit there but he turned a blind eye to me.

Alessandro grumbled something under his breath and moved while glaring at me.

Damon took his seat and so did i, my notebook was ticked in the pocket o my sweatpants which i didn't feel the need to take out.

The food was already served and everyone started eating, it was delicious nonetheless than the five star restaurant but due to my small stomach I was only able to finish half of it.

Damon glanced my way and gestured me to eat more but I shook my head, he sighed and gave up and i couldn't be more thankful for that, I didn't want others to notice my eating habit and pointing things out.

Domenico suddenly cleared his throat to gaining attention of all the boys who were busy practically inhaling the food like wild animals.

I stiffled the chuckle that threatened to erupt at the sight of Rico whose cheeks were puffed like a squirrel.

"Did you like your room?" Sensing the question was aimed at me i nodded my head and shuffled out my notebook and wrote a quick thank you and passed it to Damon who in turn passed it to Domenico.

"Don't say thank you it's my duty to provide you everything, well beside that I was hoping for you to be homeschooled is it alright with you?" I was dumbfounded at the thought of school, previously when I lived at the orphanage Flavio never allowed me to attend school like other kids.

I nodded and with that the conversation died and everyone went back to eating their food, Damon was glancing at me continuously and i couldn't stop myself and dumbly wrote 'what happened stalker? ' and passed it to him.

My eyes widened when I realised that I slipped and instead of addressing him as Damon i wrote stalker.

Damon looked as if he was a deer caught in headlights and shook his head.

I sighed in relief when he did not seem to be angry at me for calling him stalker, i mentally cursed myself for such a slip up and leaned back in my seat, everyone was almost done with their meals.

Soon the triplets and twins left while Matteo and Elio stayed behind and were talking about buisness, Domenico was working on his laptop while Damon stood up and looked at me expectedly.

I realised he was waiting for me to get up and as soon as I did he ambled his way towards the room that was now mine, i followed him closely not wanting to get lost or in trouble.

With every step the ache in my ribs intensified and the urge to plop down on the bed and sleep the tiredness away increased.

We soon entered my room and Damon say on my bed I was standing a few feets away when he patted the bed signalling me to sit beside him, he used gestures more than talking which suprised me.

On jet he was a little more approaching but right now I felt as if I was walking on thin ice, very slowly I made my way and sat next to him trying to create as much as distance possible.

I was not very comfortable with sitting so close to someone who I just met and i suppose Damon realised it too, when he sighed watching me as if I was a injured puppy who he is taking pity on.

I did not appreciate pity and sympathy, it made me feel as if I am weak which i probably am but I hated seeing people acting as if they know my story and as if they knew I was crumbling.

I was not crumbling, I was and I still am determined.

"Are you ok?"he asked suddenly, his voice just a little above a whisper, if it was not soo quite I'm afraid i wouldn't have heard him, I nodded at him signalling that I was.

He nodded to himself and stared ahead at the wall, in the mean time I studied his features, he was soo similar to me that I was in awe, looking at his face was like looking at the version my father would have wanted me to be.

A man, a confident man.

Alas but unfortunately I was a female, a species he considered as slave.

That man had a ego bigger than Mount Everest, the image of his angry face as red as a tomato at the news of my eloping must have bruised his ego, a mere girl which he considered as nothing but a piece of trash-eloped from the mansion, from his territory under his nose.

He was the third most powerful mafia and i snucked out of that highly guarded mansion was a big thing.

I felt proud of myself.

Damon continued his staring competition with wall and my eyes started feeling heavy, the exhaustion from all the travelling and shock was catching up on me and without even knowing I fell backwards.

That jolted me awake Damon glanced as to see what happened but when he saw my drowsy state he smiled and got up, "you should sleep you look tired" and with that he tucked me in as I looked up at me.

Tears blurred my eyes as this was the first time someone was doing it out of affection, his eyes held emotions I wasn't used to, I sighed and fluttered my eyes close, the amount of trust I was placing in these people was terrifying.

The walls that I built carefully over the years were breaking, they were creeping up on these walls, my emotions were all over the place and I did not like it at all, I was used to hating everyone, I didn't want to get attached to these people just to get hurt in the end but it seemed rather hard. I wanted just peace, I knew if I was hurt one more time I will be beyond repair, unrepairable, BROKEN.

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