18 1 3

After a torturous tour, which consisted of me being dragged by both of the boys around the mansion, the whole theme was dark and gothic, the whole mansion was elegant as they were about to drag me to the second floor Domenico called.

It was time for breakfast, I have never been more thankful to him than i was at the moment, they both happily bounced towards the dining room while i followed them slowly, careful of every step.

As I reached the dinning room everyone fell silent, ambling my way towards the seat that was same as last time i plopped down in it, my feets were hurting slightly but i ignored it.

Breakfast was soon served, i grabbed a toast and nibbled on it while watching others eating as if they were starved for years which explained their huge growth but the fact that they were still fit and had muscles indicated that they worked out as much as they ate.

Damon glanced my way and furrowed his brows in confusion, he was looking at me questionably, i shrugged and he went back to devouring his food.

Soon everyone was done few ran towards their room while Elio, Damon and Domenico placed laptop infront of their selves, maids started cleaning the area seeing I had nothing to do i started helping them.

As I came to grab few more plates suddenly Elio grumbled "you don't have to do that" i almost dropped the plates at his sudden voice I shook my head and continued what I was doing.

The maids were friendly and smiled as I helped them.

After the work was finished I wiped my hands on my pants and made my way back into the dining room, they were still sitting and working on their laptops without any care in the world.

Not wanting to disturb them I made my way out, i remembered that in the house tour there was a library, after searching for a while i finally found it, the library was as grand and elegant as rest of the mansion.

I looked around and studied the titles of the books from the spine that were neatly arranged in the selves.

After looking around i finally found few intresting books grabbing them I sat on the floor and started reading them.

Suddenly footsteps bought me out of the trance that I was in while reading, in came my stalker, glancing at the window I now realised that it was now dark outside, I must have lost the track of time.

He sat infront of me and forwarded the notebook at me which I must have left on the table while table, taking it from him i realised I was laying on my stomach on the floor with books all around myself.

"You missed lunch, you do realise that you are already thin hm?, you should eat more and don't think I haven't noticed how less you eat, let's go everyone is waiting for you, it's time for dinner" I nodded and got up while streching like a cat.

I followed him and the dinner and sat while everyone at and talked among themselves I felt nauseous at the sight of food, i quickly got up not minding the manners and bullshit like that.

As soon as I stepped a foot inside my room I rushed into the bathroom, the food that was in my stomach came all out, even after that I heaved dryly.

Suddenly a hand grasped my locks and pulled them away i shrieked and scrambled backwards, the person was none other than Damon, I was soo busy in puking my guts out that i didn't realise when he entered.

He helped me up and grabbed a towel from the rack near the sink, he damped it under the sink and turned towards me, I was frozen in my place as he cleaned my face and turned back again.

He forwarded a cup of water and assisted me in cleaning the mess up after I was done he took me to my bed and made me sit, he kneeled infront of me and held my hand, i flinched.

He was staring at me with a blank face but the eyes spoke a different story, they held concern, I was shocked as to why was he concerned? I was a stranger, yet here he was taking care of me while I puked my guts out and helped me.

I looked downwards in shame, I was embarrassed at the fact that he saw me in such a disgusting state yet was here, I was a mere stranger but the care and affection he had towards me was something not even my parents showed.

Tears prickled my eyes and i clenched my eyes shut, the horrifying past memories never left me alone, even if I was away from their clutches I was still afraid of them mentally, "look at me cecy" he gently said but i refused to look at his way.

I didn't want him to see me vulnerable, i didn't want anyone to see my weak side cause at the end of the day they used it against me, always.

A hand grasped my chin gently and lifted my face upwards, my eyes opened automatically and clashed with the identical grey orbs that looked at me with soo much gentleness and care that it made me dizzy.

Everything was soo overwhelming and shocking that I felt as if I would pass out any minute now, I wanted to speak, after months I had the urge to speak and scream, I was tired.

Tired of having to conceal my emotions, tired of being strong, I wanted someone to love me, to care for me, I wanted someone for whome I can live for and look forward in morning to get up.

Tears fell from my eyes as i sobbed silently, my body trembled with every sob and sigh, he got up and hugged me, without asked any questions he embraced me, his presence comforted me while I cried my heart out.

I buried my face in his torso and after crying for what felt like hours i finally stopped, i sniffled while he patiently held me and lend me his shirt to soak my tears in while caressing my head lightly.

I moved back so did he, wiping the remaining of tears i musterd up the courage to finally look at him, he smiled gently at me, as i opened my mouth I felt a burning sensation in my throat, my mind told me not to buy yet i did.

His eyes widened at the shock and he fell on his knees infront of me, I smiled at his reaction while he held my face gently and gazed at me, I felt proud of myself for finally doing it, i did it.

Today all my walls crumbled in front of him, I laid my emotions bare in front of him.

I spoke to him...

Hi I hope you guys are liking the story soo far, please leave a comment and let me know what you think of it.

I know soo far it seems like the typical brother sister story that are present on the Wattpad already but I can assure you I have lots of surprises stored in for everyone.

Leave your thoughts please so I can know if this is good enough or not (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~

Don't forget to vote if you like it either and drink lots of water as the summers are too hot this year, stay hydrated and safe.

Love you all, take care.


~signing off enzi

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