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I scanned the piece of paper in my hand and started walking while reading the contents in it , the list contained all the items that I was told to buy , grocery shopping was not something i enjoyed doing.

Walking from one Isle to another while reading i didn't realise when I bumped in a wall and on impact I fell right on my butt.

Cursing myself internally for not paying attention to the surroundings I got up and that when I saw —the wall was a person— the person i bumped into, he looked oddly familiar but not at the same time.

His aura screaming dominance and power, i snatched the notepad and pen out from the back of my pocket and scribbled down a quick messy 'Sorry' and handed it to him who looked confused but nonetheless took it.

I rushed and moved towards the items that I needed and started doing the work I was suppose to, being late would only cause problem and I was not in a mood to deal with chaos today.

After making sure I had all the things, I went to the cashier and paid for the things, the old man who always worked there slid two candies forward as i grabbed them and flashed him my brightest smile and left.

People like him were the reminder for me that kindness still existed, no matter how much evil corrupted the world kindness was still there, it was rare yes but it was still there just like this man who always gave me candy whenever I was there.

As I was walking down the path towards my destination, the face of the man who I bumped into flashed again in front of my eyes, i racked my brain to remember the information where I saw him but was disappointed.

I was sure that if I would have ever saw those eyes , those grey eyes I would have remembered them, so cold yet captivating, that's when it clicked he looked a lot like me , like a male version with different hair colour.

His hairs were midnight black unlike mine which were dark brown, he was wearing a suit and looked as if he walked right out of a magazine, his facial features were more defined and manly of'course than mine but if we ignored the age difference someone would have thought we were twins.

He looked to be in his mid twenties or late twenties maybe, and carried himself elegantly. Something which I can never achieve, I was clumsy and idiotic while his personality screamed perfection.
Maybe we just shared same looks it was possible but the level of similarities scared me , I shook my head and brushed the silly thoughts aside.

Tonight was a important and no mistakes would be forgiven , the owner of orphanage was visiting today, from what I heard from the girls who were gossiping about it , I got to know he is rich , a next level rich man.

The most interesting fact was that he visited the orphanage every year not just to check what was going on but also to see if someone caught his eyes , more specifically if any girl caught his eyes.

It was rumoured that his late wife's wish was to have a daughter which unfortunately didn't happen as she died from cancer , he made her a promise that he will adopt one , the one who will fit in his family, the one who was perfect for the family and treat her as his princess.

But it's been years yet no one ever caught his eyes, I was told to make the preparation for dinner as he would eat with us tonight and was told to stay away from his sight.

Pfft, like hell will I ever catch his interest, I knew myself and I knew I was nothing special, the other girls were pretty and outgoing with a amazing personality, while there was plain ol' me.

And the cherry on top was that I did not speak , not like i couldn't but i refused to, time changes a person completely and it did indeed change me.

I lost my voice, my will to speak months ago and I refused to speak no matter what I was put through, Flavio hated defiance yet i can't bring myself to obey him this time , no matter the amount of punishment I got, I never spoke.

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