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Sitting in one of the chair and stuffing my mouth with food was what I found myself as doing at the moment awkwardly.

I was not used to eating with people, I was used to silence and the light chatter that was buzzing around made me nauseous, everything was fake and uncomfortable while the owner who looked soo familiar to me ate quietly.

I don't know what was wrong with me but these days I found myself finding everyone oddly familiar, first the man in the grocery store and now the owner of the orphanage.

Domenico Martini, he looked a little identical to the person that I met today but not too much just a little bit.

Maybe i saw him in one of the many social events that I had attended in the past knowing he was rich and that's why he seemed familiar but couldn't recollect the memory as to where?

Ignoring the weird assumptions that my brain made i focused on eating though after eating half of the portion that was served I could not eat anymore.

I was not used to eating this much , as much as i wanted to eat the sight made me want to throw up what I had eaten and feel the empty stomach that I was used to.

Playing around with my food i realised everyone was done with dinner and Domenico made his way to the living room, everyone followed him as I too did.

He took his phone out and placed it on his ear calling someone as soon as everyone was settled his eyes clashed upon mine as he stared daggers through my skull.

Talking in hushed tone as he made sure no one was able to hear what he was saying to the person on the other side, he sighed after he hanged up.

I broke the eye contact with him immediately knowing that if Flavio realised that I caught his attention or even came in his sight, he would murder me slowly.

The sound of footsteps from the lobby startled me but I did not lift my gaze from the ground.

Brown dress shoes came in the line of my vision as my chin was lifted upwards.

Calloused hands gripped my chin softly as my eyes widened realising it was none other than Domenico.

Everyone fell silent watching him and i, contemplating probably what was going on that's when I realised someone else was present behind him too.

I don't think it was physically possible for my eyes to widen more but they did as i stared into the eyes of the man.

He was the same man I bumped into during the grocery shopping.
He himself looked surprised as he took my appearance in.

The silence was short lived as Flavio stood up and just as he was about to speak the older man that currently was holding my chin signed him to stop with just a single movement of his hand.

It felt weird seeing Flavio complying other people's order but nonetheless it felt refreshing, the jerk was a lower rank and seeing someone order him just as he did to me made me happy even if it was not me who made him shut up even before he spoke.

"What's your name tesoro?" , his voice was deep and gruff as he caressed my face lightly, he waited for my response but after receiving none for a while he arched his eyebrow as he glanced at Flavio.

"She is mute", his voice was shaky as he responded to the unspoken question.

The man nodded as he released my chin and turned towards the man who I bumped into.

That's when I realised—I found myself doing this alot today—he was his son, they shared same hair colour and jawline—sharp one at that —which i found myself envying them for.

They seemed to be communicating with eyes as when the grey eyes stalker nodded, Domenico gestured Flavio to follow him which he did without uttering a single word.

I was left speechless.

Wait! I couldn't even speak.

I snickered internally at my stupid joke and watched Domenico and Flavio heading outside.

As soon as they left I took a glance around and most of the girls were shooting glares at me , especially the three roomate's of mine, if looks could kill I would have been six feet under at this moment.

The grey eyed stalker suddenly kneeled in front of me, the sudden act made me flinch as he frowned at that.

I mentally cursed myself for flinching, if I was not in trouble before I would be now if they mentioned it to Flavio.

I broke the eye contact once again knowing it was deemed as disrespect and fixed my gaze on the floor which seemed rather interesting today.

Huh, was that a crack in the tile or a hair?

As i continued examining the floor I felt someone lifting my face again while gripping my chin lightly.

What was it with everyone and gripping my chin tonight.

His eyes softened as soon as I made eye contact with him.

"Always keep your chin up Principessa , look in the eyes when someone is speaking with you si?" His voice was similar to his father's, deep and gruff yet his was softer than his.

The affectionate tone of his caught me off guard , specially the comment, all my life I was taught to look down, everyone always taught me to look down and never look up.

Nodding lightly I raised my eyes and they clashed upon the grey stormy eyes of his, filled with soo much emotions and intensity that I wanted to look away.

Fighting the urge I starred right back , his eyes looked the splitting image of mine but they were different, the intensity and emotions made them different from mine , I knew what mine looked like.

They were dead , while his may seem soo emotionless yet if looked close enough people would realise how intense they were.

I shrugged—something I did alot when nervous or while I was deep in thought—his eyes still looked at me trying to decipher the emotions behind mine, I found myself shrinking in my seat.

At that moment under the watchful gaze of stalker I wanted to blend in with the chair that I was sitting on.

He slowly forwarded a small notepad and pen towards me gesturing me to take it , i lightly snatched it , that seemed to amuse him alot.

"Now , I am going to ask few questions and if you want to you can write the answers for me yes?", he enquired , i scribbled down a response of affirmation.

He nodded and spoke again , his voice was soo deep , soo gruff yet smooth as silk "What is your name?".

I scribbled 'Cecilia' going along with my new name , showing him the messily written note at that he passed me a crooked charming smile.

Something from my guts told me he did not smile often yet pushing it aside I paid my utmost attention to him.

"How old are you cecy? " I replied '16'.

He nodded again , as soon as he opened his mouth again , the door through which Domenico and Flavio left opened , rattling sound filled the room as i cringed .

Taking a glance at the mysterious stalker of mine, i stared at the duo again , Flavio was smiling —fake smiling—at the grey eyed twin stalker of mine.

The atmosphere was tense, filled with anticipation, everyone was frozen the tension was soo thick and could be cut through with a knife.

Everyone shifted their attention straight towards Domenico as he started speaking, "we are leaving, let's go Damon " .

Damon, the grey eyed stalker of mine stiffly nodded as he got up slowly, confusion was visible on his face but before he could step forward Domenico spoke up again.

"Cecilia get up we are going home " , the simple sentence caught me off guard, rattled me till the guts, home? I never knew what home was , never knew what a family behaved like.

I stayed still, Damon forwarded his hand to me , I looked at the hand and then at him ridiculously, what the fuck was going on?

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