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         Gazing out in the endless sea of clouds , the event of the day replayed in my mind like a broken record, I tried to grasp the fact that once again everything was out of my hands.

         Six months ago I escaped the hell just to fall into another one where the king was different, I didn't knew what I should except from these people who were sitting across me.

         Who were now my new family, i refused to acknowledge them as one , refuse to acknowledge the endless torture fate put me through.

         As i fiddled with my fingers to calm my nerves down, my gaze fell on the Ruby that was peeking out from my sleeves, I froze.

         The only family that I had was the little brother of mine, the memories of him playing around and hugging me , whining for attention, flooded my mind causing tears to prick at the back of my eyes.

         I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, the sobs and shivers threatened to over take the control of my body and sent a frenzy of thoughts in my brain.

         I missed him dearly!

         All i wanted was to hug my brother and cry , tell him how much I miss him and love him , I wanted his presence that bought a wave of warmth and love.

         As i opened my eyes again , i saw the piercing grey eyes watching my expression with all his attention, I shifted my head to the side to conceal the turmoil of emotions that was shaking my body and causing havoc in every cell.

         "Are you ok?", startled from the sudden question I almost jumped out the seat and fell, the grey eyes stalker look amused while Domenico looked as if he was concerned and holding his laugh at the same time.

         It was not even funny!

         Sitting back properly in the chair I nodded slightly, picking up the notepad that was sitting in front of the table that was situated between us i scribbled the question that was bugging me every since we boarded the private jet.

         Yes a freaking private jet!, it was not something new to me as my biologicals also had their own jet but these people were on next level.

         Posh and designer, the aura screamed elegance and luxury just like them.

         That terrified me , how influential were they? They must be highly influential if they carried such aura , i shrugged and pushed the useless thought aside for now.

         'where are we going?'

         Passing the note to Damon as he read it and passed to Domenico who grinned at that.

         Weird , I just asked a question why are they smiling like creeps.

         "We are going back home" I frowned at that , where was this 'home' of theirs?

         I snatched the notepad from the stalker and wrote furiously which earned me a chuckle from Domenico, I sighed dramatically stretched out my hand urging Damon to take it.

         'where is home?'

         "On the earth" came the reply, this frustrated me while they looked amused , i ignored them and placed the pen back on the table.

         It was best to ignore them as they were not planning to reply me , scoffing airly I turned towards the beautiful sight of the sky , effectively ignoring the presence of these grown up children.

         Who knew these intimidating men could act soo childish.

         I was worried but this interaction lightened my mood , i no longer felt trapped yet I felt oddly safe in their presence.

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