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       As I looked around I felt my breath hitch , seeing the coast was clear i slid from behind the trees , tiptoeing my way towards the bushy area of driveway.

       The guards were marching back now so I hurriedly made my way inside the bush but felt my soul leave my body when a twig snapped , the sound echoed in the eerie silence, "Did you hear it?" One of the voices said , all colour drained from my face , all i could hope for was to them ignore and for the first time the man up there listened to me please of help as i heard the other dumbass say , "probably some cat or shit , you know what let's hurry and get in our position or we would be in great mess" the sound of retreating footsteps sent waves of immense happiness throughout my body.

       I slid between the bushes while brushing the twigs and dried leaves aside using my hand to avoid anymore mishaps, few cuts marred my hands but at that moment all i could care for was getting out of this hell hole , feeling the small backpack on my back to make sure it was still there , i peeked out the bush and saw few of the minions going inside to get the shipment.

       I crawled carefully under the van and gripped it tightly while lifting my head and putting my backpack on my stomach front ways in the process , after what felt like a eternity when in reality it was just few minutes, someone slammed the door shut and slid in I gripped tightly and sucked in a whip of air.

       After approximately fifteen minutes I felt the van moving on gravelled road , contrast of the smooth cemented driveway of the mansion ,indicating that we had now exited the Anderson estate. As the van made a turn i swiftly let the van go and my back hit the road i suppressed the pained groan by biting my lower lip.

       Rolling down the road I gripped the stones near pedestrian walking lane , balancing my hands I slowly got up , tears stinging my eyes , rolled down my cheeks , the happiness and feeling of safety made my heart jump inside the ribcage.

       As I looked around i noticed very few people walking towards the city , thankfully no one saw the little stunt that I pulled, walking in hurry i made my way towards the Bus stop and flopped down on the bench pulling my hood up to cover my face till the bus came I thought about the chaos that will break throughout the whole estate when they will realise my absence, but the question was when will they?

       Normally no one paid attention to the girl who lurked around in hallways with a duster and mop doing the cleaning, i sighed in bliss as i knew that will buy me some time , time to leave this God forsaken country.

       As i heard the bus stopping i leaped inside it making my way towards the back , few people were sitting in it as considering it was still too early in the morning to leave their comfortable cozy bed.

       Watching the trees and houses running away from the window my heart swelled , never having the chance to enjoy these small things as a kid made me realise how much I missed , I was happy that at least Blake got to see the outside world even if it was cause he was sent away , it was still something.

       Willy , the name bought back memories of a small kid running towards me while shouting my name giggling like a silly monkey, the memory made me feel nostalgic, every year Henry sent application for approval of leave for holiday but he never came. I knew it was not cause he was angry , he hated the mere sight of his father and family members who tormented his willy, the sister he was soo fond of.

       Never having received care from his own mother, he was a kid who I took care of despite me only being three years older than him , I cared for him like a mother would , i loved him dearly, wanting to give him the love that I never got , I knew what it felt like to have a missing motherly and fatherly figure in life.

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