Revamped Chapter One: The Name's Black, Coal Black.

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"It's kinda late for you to be out, don't you think, Headphones? Unless you're dying to get in trouble?"

I clenched my jaw and balled my fists up in anger. I kept my gaze fixed on the city lights. "It's Ember, get it right. And for your information, the agreement was to be home at nine and it's only 8:30pm." I still have a whole whopping half hour to use up and I would rather eat a whole bag of sugar-free gummy bears than go home early.

"8:33, actually," Anti-Gravity corrected. The aggravating superhero in spandex stood next to me at the edge of the tall brick building. He looked down at the ribbon of light and whistled softly. "People on the streets look like ants."

I pushed my mask back up against my nose, the stupid thing was always sliding down my face just like my glasses. The mask thankfully had my prescription built into it, or else I would have to wear my glasses over my mask and that is not actually comfortable, my ears burn like a fire with the soreness.

"Scared of heights, Tights?" I asked. I glanced at him and noticed he was in full costume, head to toe in his signature cherry red and gold suit, complete with a shiny cape. Overzealous stupidhero-I mean superhero, totally meant to say superhero. I was in more practical attire-black sweats and a black tank. I also wore my favorite red beanie to hide my golden hair.

He gave me a scowl. "Don't call me that. Anti-Gravity is my official name, so stop calling me Tights."

I cocked an eyebrow and looked him up and down. "Your outfit is nothing but spandex, so I think I have the right to call you Tights. Besides, you call me Headphones when I'm supposed to be known as Ember, so as far as I'm concerned I can call you whatever I want."

Anti-Gravity gave me a deadpanned look. "Why are you even here, Headphones? Are you moping around? Wishing you could be out disturbing the peace? Aren't you a villain or something?"

"Are you... taunting me, Anti-Gravity?" I asked looking at the superhero with a confused expression he couldn't fully appreciate. "Do you want me to get in trouble? And the name is Ember. How many times do I have to tell you that? Why can't anyone get my name right?"

Tights snorted rudely and shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I'd go with Headphones if I were you. You wear those things 24/7, what do you even listen to? Recordings of you singing in the shower?" He reached out to grab the wired headphones but I jerked away and nearly fell off the edge of the building. Tights grabbed my wrist and yanked me back to safety.

"Wow! Trying to kill me? Can I report you for that? Where's Red when you need him? Re-!"

Tights slapped his hand over my mouth and scowled at me something ferocious. "Shut up, dude! It was an accident. You're worse than a soccer player, seriously."

I shoved him away and stuck my tongue out at him. "Get a life, Tights. A real one. And aren't there civilians needing help? Some damsel in distress you can go impress?"

"It's quiet. With you on probation, the streets of King City have never been safer."

I rolled my eyes and, getting the hint he was bored and wouldn't leave me alone to enjoy the latest folk album I was obsessed with, I stomped away from him and to the rooftop's door, deciding that he ruined enough of my night. Before I could open it, I felt Tights' presence behind me. I whipped around to find him both flying and ginning. My hand automatically tightened on the doorknob.

"How's it feel like to have superpowers and be banned from using them?" he asked. There was no compassion in his voice, just pure unadulterated teasing.

"Like a whole strawberry cake all to myself," I grumbled, yanking the door open and walking into the dimly lit staircase.

"See you at home, brother," Tights called out after me.

I turned so he could experience the full effect of my scowl, but I only looked in time to see him flying off into the night. I could just make out his laughter as he left me behind. The door slammed shut in my face. Some faithful twin brother I have. Some family values he must cherish. Jerk.

I stared at the staircase ahead of me and sighed loudly enough that it echoed off the graffitied walls. Why couldn't this building have an elevator? That would seriously make my life just that much easier and less painful-my calves burn on the way up, which is probably a sign I need to exercise more but who cares? Nothing some snacks can't fix.

Before I could even take the first step of the long journey down the million flights of stairs, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the glowing screen.

One new text message from Ben.

'8:40pm brother, hope you get home safe.'

I groaned loudly and typed out a quick reply. 'Make sure you don't mistake your cape for toilet paper again, Mister Tightie-Whitie.' Not feeling any better, I sighed and turned the volume up on the music already blaring in my ears. Okay, I, Coal Evan Samuel Maximas Black, known to the world as the fearsome super villian Headphones, can do this. I've been taking these same stairs for three months now, I can jog down them no problem.


It's not fun being banned from using my powers. Stupid Board of Superheroes.

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