Chapter One: My Name Is Coal. Not Cole. Not Headphones.

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"Shouldn't you be home at this hour, Headphones, or should I tell your probation officer?"

I clenched my jaw and balled up my fists, but I kept my gaze fixed on the city lights. "My name is not Headphones. It's Coal. The agreement was to be home at nine and it's 8:30 PM." I still have a whole half hour, and I am going to live it up to the last second.

"8:33 PM, actually," Anti-Gravity corrected, standing next to me on the edge of the tall building. He looked below us at the ribbon of light and whistled softly. "People on the streets look like ants."

I frowned and squinted my eyes, finally getting frustrated that I couldn't see worth beans. I pulled my glasses out of my pocket and slipped them on. So that ribbon of light was actually the street. Don't ask why I wasn't wearing my glasses in the first place, it's complicated and I'm not sure I have the answer.

"Scared of heights, Tights?" I asked, glancing at him and noticing he was in full costume. Overzealous superhero.

He gave me a scowl. "Don't call me that. Either Ben or Anti Gravity, but stop calling me Tights."

I cocked an eyebrow and looked him up and down. "Your outfit is nothing but spandex, so I think I have the right to call you Tights. Besides, you call me Headphones, so why can't I call you whatever I want? Would you prefer Benny-boo?"

"Firstly, everyone knows that superheroes and, yes, even super-villains wear tights. Secondly, everyone calls you Headphones. Thirdly." Tights stopped and shook his head, slightly shivering at the new nickname. "I think I would prefer Tights over Benny-boo."

"Look at me, sweats and a tee, no tights here. And just because I happen to like music doesn't give people the right to nickname me Headphones. Besides, I already have a real villain name," I said, getting frustrated with the conversation and the cold breeze that was picking up. I rubbed my bare arms in an attempt to warm myself up. It didn't work. It never works. I don't even know why I tried.

"What? Ember?" he asked, obviously trying not to laugh.

I scowled at him. "Yes, Ember."

Tights grimaced. "I'd go with Headphones if I were you, and you wearing those headphones 24/7 gives people the right to call you that. What do you even listen to?" he asked, reaching across and yanking off my headphones.

I snatched them back from his hands. "Music. Ever heard of it before?" I turned from the edge and stomped back to the rooftop's door, deciding the cocky superhero ruined enough of my night. Before I could open it, I felt Tights's presence behind me. I whipped around to find him both flying and grinning. My hand automatically tightened on the doorknob.

"How's it feel like to have superpowers and be banned from using them?" he asked. There was no compassion in his voice just pure unadulterated teasing.

"Like a whole strawberry cake all to myself," I grumbled, yanking the door open and walking into the dimly lit staircase.

"See you at home, brother," Tights called after me, his voice rising above the squeaking hinges as they closed the door.

I whipped around just in time to see Tights flying off into the night. I could just make out his laughter as he left me behind. Some faithful twin brother I have. Some family values he must cherish. Jerk.

I turned back around and stared at the stairs in front of me. I sighed loudly, loud enough that it echoed off the graffitied walls. Why can't this building have an elevator? That would make my life so much easier.

Before I could even take the first step of my long journey down the nearly fifty flights of stained and sticky concrete stairs, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. Let's just say, when you forget about your phone, feeling it vibrate is very weird. Taking it out, I looked at the glowing screen.

One new text message from Ben.

'8:40 PM brother, hope you get home safe.'

I groaned loudly. This was not going to be fun. I put my headphones back on and turned up the volume. Okay, I can do this, I've been using these stairs for three months straight now. I can jog down this no problem.


It is not fun being banned from using my powers. Stupid Board of Heroes and Villains.

June/1/2018 And here is the first chapter to kick off "summer"!

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June/1/2018 And here is the first chapter to kick off "summer"!

Unfortunately, due to something, I can't rewrite this book as much as I want to... I'm thinking of just going for it and rewriting it and having this as the Wattpad version but... I probably won't. I don't know, we'll see, the temptation may be too strong XD

To new readers: WELCOME!! Enjoy this crazy wild ride! The book is complete but I have been wanting to fix grammar and reread it so I thought, 'why not just unpublish it and go through the whole experience again?' Plus I lowkey miss Coal XD.

To my old rereaders: WELCOME BACK!! And ssshhhhh don't reveal any plot twists or the true meaning behind pivotal scenes, we shall silently laugh villainously together as the newbies make their wild guesses XD #MUHAHAHA

-Pencakes (penelope ray)

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