Chapter Fifteen: InvisiBoy.

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My hand is invisible. Actually, more like my whole body is entirely invisible. Except for my clothes, so technically I wasn't completely invisible but don't worry I have absolutely no plans on shedding that protective layer, I'm sparing you thinking about an invisible undressed Coal. You're welcome.

"You're invisible," Charlie breathed.

I scowled, invisible? I don't want to be invisible! I want to fly! Of all the powers my genes give me it has to be invisibility, why couldn't my body have given me the ability to fly? Useless, good-for-nothing unthankful body. I fed you a piece of green bean last week and this is the thanks I get for it?

"Apparently," I said dryly.

This must be the reason for feeling so strange all day. I have a new power. My hands, though invisible, started shaking and my heart sped up with this new development. It's not entirely uncommon to develop powers so late into your teens, but I haven't gotten any new powers since my original ones showed up.

Now, how in the world do I make myself visible again? You know, out of pure curiosity I've read some superhero books written by non-supers on Wattpad, so I pulled out helpful information from those books, closed my eyes and thought of 'visible' thoughts.

Weird. Is there such a thing as 'visible' thoughts? I must be losing it. Well, I must not be completely weird, that's what all the normal people say in their books to do when you're trying to control your powers.

Just become visible... Now... Right... Now. Visible. Seen. No longer hidden. Where's my thesaurus when I need it?

I opened my eyes and found Charlie staring right at me. I glanced down at my self and was greatly relieved to see me. Good, now let's try never to turn invisible again.

"You're a superhero," Charlie said, sounding completely flabbergasted. In his intense excitement, he jumped off my bed and started pacing my room. "You're an honest-to-goodness superhero!"

"Am not," I said, keeping my voice low but strong enough he'd hear me over his accusations. "And quiet down, will ya?"

He turned to me with a frown. "Why aren't you freaking out? You should be totally freaking out! You can." He lowered his voice considerably. "Turn invisible."

"Is that what that was?" I asked, sounding fake surprised. "I thought I was completely visible."

Ellie laughed, but Charlie shook his head. "Coal, you can turn invisible. Shouldn't you be freaking out right now? Shouldn't you be excited or weirded out or scared or something?"

"I'm hungry, is that something?"

"He needs a superhero costume," Ellie said, bouncing on the chair. "I have some old dark blue leopard print leggings, maybe that'll work."

"It's spandex, right?" Charlie asked, frowning and drumming his fingers on his chin. "All heroes wear spandex."

I groaned loudly and banged my head on my wall. Should I tell them that I'm Headphones? And that I do not under any circumstances wear spandex?

Charlie was wrong. I am freaking out but for an entirely different reason. Of all times to get a new power, it had to be in front of Charlie and Ellie. I wonder if it'll just be easier to tell them the complete truth?

"Hey, Charlie," I started.

"You need an awesome name," he said, instead of listening to me. "Something cool like Anti Gravity. Nothing stupid like 'Headphones.' Hey, you can take him down too."

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