He's a villain, and he's proud of it. Coal Black worked hard to achieve his bad boy persona on a super level. Literally.
Seventeen and facing the normal challenges of high school, Coal must also deal with a superpower ban and a couple brand new vill...
First off, this was supposed to be posted yesterday but I forgot.
More importantly, we just want to thank you all again. It's so heartwarming to read through your comments, I never realized how much this series had impacted some people. So thank you for everything everyone!
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So, here is a shoutout to some of you lovelies:
StarcyNewman - AH! You actually wrote a review on Goodreads!!!!! Thank you! I gushed over it and couldn't believe someone would take time to write that lovely review! And everyone, go read her great book! The Rise Of Heroes. You'll love Max!
Magical_bookz AH THANK YOU FOR THE RATING!!!!!!! AH!!!!! I was all excited when I saw that! Thank you, Nancy!
Alana - (my bad memory couldn't pin you to a user here on Wattpad, but your bookshelf seriously narrows it down) Thank you SO SO SO much for the honest rating!!!!! I really appreciated it!
And everyone else who checked out the links! Thank you everyone!
If you haven't checked it out, stop by on Goodreads and drop a rating! Every bit helps get the word out when my book is published in fifteen days!!!
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/BigCityVillainGR
Facebook: http://bit.ly/PenelopeRayFB
Whether ya'll have been with me on this entire journey (through all three books, *whew* you guys are seriously tough cookies) or just starting (MUHAHAHHAAHA), I am so thankful and humbled by your support. SO I have free bonus material for all of you! Look out for that in the next few weeks!
You are all amazing! It'd be cool to get a fandom/team going! I know Wildmandude wanted to be the official leader of the BC fandom. So let's see where this can go...
"Wait... What?" - Coal
Nothing your conceited head needs to know, Coal.
"A fandom???? About... me????"- Coal
About the bOoK.
"Whose main character is... me????"- Coal
Stay tuned for another update soon! And thank you again!