Chapter Eight: The Board of Heroes And Villains.

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What a contradiction. The Board of Heroes and Villains. Why are heroes and villains even working together? I thought we opposed each other and did everything in our power to break the other side down?

Well, to be technical, one of the more major villains, Gust, wanted to be considered an equal member of society and be part of the Board, personally I think he's emotionally insecure and needed a title to feel better. Now, thanks to that party pooper, villains are required to stay within their boundaries, not that we ever do, and I really think it was all just a ploy so that the heroes know where to find us.

Technically, the Board is a neutral zone, so heroes can't take a villain down when on Board property and vice versa. The only reason why a villain would go to the Board was if they needed something. What they could possibly need I have no idea, but a lot use the medical ward when a fight doesn't exactly go as planned.

I know what you're thinking, 'aren't villains supposed to be against organizations and being in the same room as a superhero?' Yes. Yes, they are. Unsurprisingly, the majority of the time, the villains never even attend the Board meeting, especially if they hear the snacks aren't going to be that good.

They just freeload off the Board whenever they need something then disappear to do their villainous activity. And since there were no villains here at this moment, I guess the Board's secretary, Glitch, didn't get any snacks this time. Bummer, usually Ben would sneak me a few goodies afterward.

I'm not on the Board because apparently I'm considered too villainous, so I don't have the privilege of raiding their snacks.

What can I say? King City is a very unique city.

The meeting room was dark like it always was, the majority of the lights were focused on the long curved table in front of me with only one light shining on me from above. One side of the table seated all the heroes, including Second-In-Command Anti Gravity, the other side where the villains usually were, was completely empty. No surprise.

So, what is this place really? Legally, it's just the Superhero Board, which was put in place by the government. Their primary objective is to register all people with superpowers, to make sure that the active heroes and villains were evenly placed in different cities, to keep heroes from turning bad and to enforce punishment on villains who go too far.

They are the ones who decide whether you get put on probation, placed in the Solitary Bin or permanent removal of your powers. Perhaps you are wondering why a villain would allow themselves to be caught and placed in the Solitary Bin, or would allow their powers to be removed, or even to stay in a ban. Simple: We have no choice. Superheroes tend to be more powerful since they receive actual training beyond just controlling their powers.

I'm trying to be good with my ban because I have something that a lot of villains don't: a superhero twin brother who keeps a strict eye on me.

So perhaps you can understand why I was growing more and more nervous with each second that passed.

"Headphones, so glad to see you," Red said, dryly. He was in command of the Board, the one who ultimately decided on punishments or placements. He was also the one I hated the most.

"It's good to see you too, Red, how are you holding up? Is the weather hurting your joints yet?" I asked the gray-haired superhero, knowing my sarcasm was only going to get me in more trouble but I just couldn't help myself. Go big or go home, right? Well... Actually, I'd rather just go home.

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