Chapter Six: Girl Problems.

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"Yo, earth to Charlie," I said, flicking a grape at the starry-eyed boy sitting across from me in the school cafeteria. When there was no response, I rolled my eyes and groaned, I hated doing this but it was the only way to get his attention. I cleared my throat and deepened my voice. "Charlie, this is Captain Kirk we need your expertise immediately."

"Beam me up, Scotty!" Charlie yelled, snapping back to earth and staring at me with wide eyes.

I shook my head and sighed, smacking my forehead at his response. Except that backfired because that actually hurts. "You're such a lost cause."

Charlie's light brown skin turned red. He looked back down at his salad, found what I threw at him and flicked the grape back at me. "Shut up, Coal."

"And what's with the salad?" I asked, snatching the grape in midair and munching on it. As you can tell, tossing grapes at each other was a daily routine, sometimes when I'm really bored, or I'm not paying enough attention to Charlie, it'll be a watermelon instead of grapes. Orange you glad I didn't have a watermelon with me? It would have been a cantaloupetastrophe. Okay, I should shut up now.

"Mom is going through another health phase," he mumbled, picking through the lettuce and tomatoes and singling out the pieces of cheese and croutons.

I was going to say something, and trust me it was going to be something super smart but someone walked behind me and dropped a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the empty part of the table in front of me. With a frown, I turned around to see who was supplying me with a nutritious meal.

"I figured with the rain and your skipping breakfast, you'd be grouchy enough without lunch," Benny said, handing me a thermos as well.

I narrowed my eyes as I took it from him. "This isn't some joke, is it? And how'd you know I skipped breakfast?"

"Nope, no joke. And you always skip breakfast," Benny said, sitting down next to me and opening up his own lunch.

"You know you're pushing it by sitting with us."

"You'll forgive me," Benny mumbled, taking a big bite of his tuna fish sandwich and acting like it was totally fine to sit with us.

So it's no secret we aren't the best of brothers, I mean he's a hero and I'm a villain, how much more of an opposite can you get? Besides, the majority of the time, he hangs out with his girlfriend and literally no one else. If she's with her friends, he sticks to himself and sits in the corner with earphones on writing something he never shows anyone. I don't think he knows how to make friends or talk to someone other than his family and Betty, his girlfriend of forever.

I huffed loudly but was immediately grateful when I discovered the thermos contained hot chocolate. Warmth, we meet again. So about this time, you're probably wondering why I eat ice cream but also complain about being cold. When you figure it out let me know, thanks.

"Why aren't you with Betty, or whatever her name is?" Charlie asked. If there were two unexplainable things about Charlie, then they'd be his obsession with superheroes and his dislike of my twin brother. Which is actually hilarious because do you realize how ironic that is? His favorite superhero just happens to be the guy he dislikes tremendously.

Benny shot a glance in the direction Betty was eating her lunch. I looked and found her laughing with some random football player, making it quite obvious she was with some other guy.

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