He's a villain, and he's proud of it. Coal Black worked hard to achieve his bad boy persona on a super level. Literally.
Seventeen and facing the normal challenges of high school, Coal must also deal with a superpower ban and a couple brand new vill...
Thank you, everyone, for your support in the previous chapter! And since I am only running on coffee, the best team name we (by we, I mean Coal) can come up with is one based off Coal's original villain name. The Embers.
Now, on to business!
First news:
Guess what? My blog is live! Check it out at:
I worked on it with my publisher. So if it's ugly, you know who to blame XD
If you sign up, we'll give you a bonus chapter for free!
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Second news, most exciting for me:
It's time to vote for the book cover! You can vote over here in my blog: http://penelope-ray.awesomeauthors.org/cover-poll/ . Nifty, right?
Thank you for all of your support. Sadly, my publisher had to reject some because of requirements that needed to be met. I know, I know, I wish they didn't have to.
So, who says no to free stuff? Not you guys XD. *soft nudging* so go sign up, get your freebie and vote! (p.s: I'm torn between 1,2 and 5, so when voting just keep in mind Coal's age XD)