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"Land ho!" Miles called from the crow's nest, directing the crew's attention to the starboard side. Captain Shadow released the helm, stepping aside to see the island for himself.

A tall peak stood above the sea, reaching to the skies. A ring of fog hugged its tip, concealing whatever the island sought to hide. But nothing of this sight deterred Shadow. He was after the fabled treasure, and he won't leave until he held it in his own hands.

"Ahoy Captain!" A cheerful voice spoke. Shadow felt his face flush red. He turned to his side; ruby irises meeting emerald green and a bright smile that lit up the darkest of days. Shadow's lips turned upwards slightly, smiling back at his dearly beloved; Goldheart.

"Ahoy." Shadow responded blankly, triggering a laugh from the first mate. Goldheart cupped the black hedgehog's cheeks, planting a gentle kiss on tan fur.

"Sounds just like you, Cap'!"

With that, Goldheart pulled Shadow to the rowboat, excited for the adventure that lay ahead. Shadow couldn't deny his own excitement either; travelling out into a mysterious island with no one but his dearest partner was exhilarating at the very least. The captain uttered a simple command to his crew; to man the ship until he returns. Soon after, Shadow and Goldheart were rowing their way to the legendary Angel Island.

"How did an entire island sink like that, hm?" Goldheart pondered, his hands gripping an oar.

"We'll figure it out when we get there." Shadow answered. "Less talking more rowing."

Upon reaching the beach, Shadow leapt out of the rowboat and into the shallow waters. The salty seawater reached as high as his waist. Not as bad as he imagined, but Shadow would guess Goldheart wasn't having too much of a pleasant time. The black hedgehog dragged the rowboat, walking through the water until his boots hit soft, dry sand. Goldheart hopped onto the sand, leaving the oars on the boat as he bounded off into the wilderness, calling Shadow to join him. The black hedgehog sighed, but a smile crept its way across his face as he chased after his first mate.

But after hours of searching, the sun was beginning to set. The blue ocean where Shadow and Goldheart had come from was turning golden from the light of the setting sun, the rowboat waiting patiently for its hosts to return to the beach. Goldheart and Shadow foraged their way back to the beach, a day wasted for treasure that never existed.

Shadow groaned loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was furious, exhausted beyond belief. It was nice that he got to spend a day with Goldheart, but it was all for naught. The mysterious fabled Master Emerald was not here. He came this far to find this emerald and promise his life to Goldheart. But that was never going to happen. It was never even real.

"Shadow." Goldheart's gentle voice called to Shadow, pulling him away from his anger. He turned to the blue hedgehog, disappointment bleeding through his eyes. Goldheart smiled softly. "It's alright."

"No!" Shadow yelled, anger exploding in his voice. He saw Goldheart recoil and immediately regretted his outburst. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Shadow continued. "It's not alright. I brought you here for a reason."

"What reason?" Goldheart asked, taking the black hedgehog's gloved hand into his. Shadow sighed, looking to the side. He felt tears threatening to fall from his eyes, so he sucked in to force them away. But Goldheart's hand gently wiped his tears for him, bringing Shadow's gaze back to those emerald green eyes he adored.

Shadow looked back to the island, the forest that miraculously grew on the sunken land. He turned back to the blue hedgehog, pointing to the foliage.

"I came here for treasure." He said. "I came here to share that treasure with you."

Goldheart blinked softly, processing what he just heard. But, once he realised what Shadow meant, he just smiled.

"Not all treasure is silver and gold, Cap'n."

Shadow looked back at his first mate, seeing Goldheart's beautiful smile. The blue hedgehog shrugged, pulling Shadow closer.

"You took me out here, and we had fun. I don't think we need to go back to the crew with treasure every time. It's the adventure that counts."

Shadow hummed, replaying what the blue hedgehog had said. Instantly, the disappointment and anger vanished and all he felt was joy and contentness. Goldheart was right. They had their adventure, they felt the thrill. That was what pirating was all about. But there was one more thing Shadow felt was missing.

"You're right," Shadow smiled, taking the hedgehog's hands into his, " you are my treasure, Goldy."

Goldheart blushed, seeing the black hedgehog kneel down on one knee. And he heard it, the proposal; dedication to him for a lifetime. The blue hedgehog did nothing but smile, smile until his face hurt and tears fell from his eyes with pure joy. Goldheart pulled Shadow close to him, enveloping him in a tight hug. As the sun set on the horizon, the two hedgehogs held each other close as they shared a passionate kiss in the dying sunlight.

Not all treasure is silver and gold.

Not for Shadow and Goldheart.

Not when they had each other for the rest of their days.

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