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The Royal Navy is dumb, and Goldheart was absolutely serious about that. He had worked for the navy before, under the command of the magnificent Queen Elise, but it was a pain. That was why he took on the pirate way of life; pillaging and plundering for all he and his crew needed to make a living on the sea, all the while shooting down any enemy that got in their way. It was free, and it was exhilarating. Goldheart would've dumped his life as Sonic any day for the pirate way.

Speaking of pirates, what better way to prove himself than to sneak back into the Queen's castle through a cargo ship? Goldheart was hidden inside a large wooden crate, holes cut through to help him breathe. The plan was terrific; get transported to the castle, grab what he needs and sneak out without anyone discovering him. Easy as cake.

The crate shuddered, and the blue hedgehog inside was tossed around as if he were in a blender. Goldheart held back a yelp as the container landed with a loud thunk . The galloping of hooves soon resonated around him, leading the pirate to realise his brilliant plan was unfolding. Goldheart relaxed, leaning into the crate's wall as it was transported through the city on the back of a carriage. He chuckled silently, imagining the queen's reaction to finding him instead of her precious cargo. It would be something the blue hedgehog savoured for every breathing moment afterwards. But he had to stay focused. Get in and get out. Fast.

The galloping came to a close, and Goldheart no longer felt the crate bounce from the bumpy dirt road. They've arrived. The crate jolted again. The blue hedgehog took a peek through the breathing hole he made, his emerald green eyes spotting the castle gates. He smirked under his breath. Whatever treasure inside was certainly his now.

The crate was set in the storage room of the castle, the guards leaving the room once the last of the cargo arrived. That gave Goldheart the perfect opening. He lifted open the lid of the crate, careful not to create any commotion. The blue hedgehog hopped out, landing on his tip-toes to avoid making noise. And just when he thought he was alone, Goldheart's ears picked up the sound of wood creaking. He turned around, spotting another crate, which was unlocking by itself.

Goldheart stood his ground, but he was terrified. He had no weapon; he didn't think he needed to fight. The fear of the unknown sent shivers throughout his body as he kept his eyes on the opening crate, preparing to face anything that might leap from it. Emerald eyes widened with shock as a black hedgehog with bright red streaks in his quills stepped out from the crate. His rubies eyes also widened, seeing the blue hedgehog in the room with him. Neither hedgehog dared to speak.

"Goldheart?!" Shadow whispered loudly, a hiss forming in the back of his throat.

"Captain?!" Goldheart whisper-yelled back. "The hell are you doing here?!"

Shadow scoffed, folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Looking for treasure." He answered bluntly, narrowing his eyes at his first mate. "Now why are you here?"

Goldheart rolled his eyes.

"If I answer, we'll be going back and forth constantly!" The blue hedgehog sighed, defeated at the sight of his captain. "Can't believe you stole my idea."

"What? Pretending to be cargo?"


"Lies! I thought of the plan weeks ago."

Goldheart's quills puffed up in defence, a soft growl emitting from the hedgehog. He was not in the mood to argue with his captain, who most definitely did not devise Goldheart's plan several days before the blue hedgehog did. He had treasure to find, and he was leaving now.

"Excuse me, Captain." He whispered with sharpness. "I must leave."

"You're excused." Shadow spat back, venom filling his voice. "But that treasure is mine."

Footsteps in the hall outside alerted both hedgehogs to an oncoming presence. Red and green eyes locked once more, sharing a glare laced with fury and annoyance, before both hedgehog dove back into their respective crates.

A human guard poked his head through the door, scanning the room. After spotting nothing but wooden crates and the new cargo load, they left; humming a familiar church tune. Goldheart groaned, having heard the song once too many times during his service in the Navy.

The two pirates climbed out of their crates once more, both glaring and snarling at each other again. Goldheart turned to the door, recalling the layout of the castle he once had memorised. He had one shot, and he was already wasting time.

"Next time," he snapped his head back to the black hedgehog, "don't have the same idea as me!"

Goldheart took off, slamming the doors open and running down the hall. He chuckled, hoping he had caused enough commotion to send the guards to the storage room. But the last thing he expected was to see his captain chasing him.

"How about." Shadow yelled. "You and I don't think of an idea as stupid as pretending to be cargo?!"

The blue hedgehog laughed, running through the large corridors of the castle.

Forget whatever plan he had before. All Goldheart needed to do now was get to that treasure before the captain did.

A smile broke out on both their faces as they raced each other through the castle.

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