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Shadow considered himself level-headed. He may seem cold and grumpy often, but in reality, Shadow is very calm. He rarely ever gets mad, or lose control of his emotions. It was something he learned—control—over the years of being the pirate that he is.

But no one truly has full control, do they?

Goldheart was out cold, his skin so pale it was almost white. His face scrunched up with pain, his usual smile gone as blood gushed out from his wound. Shadow couldn't breathe. Goldheart was hurt.

A maniacal voice laughed to the skies. Shadow looked up from Goldheart's limp form to lock eyes with the one responsible. A human. The captain shook his head softly, shocked and just incredibly disappointed. How did Gerald's grandson turn into someone like this?

"Love!" Ivo shouted, practically spitting on Shadow. "Such a delicate bond! One so easily severed!"

Goldheart whimpered, clutching his abdomen where a sword sliced through. Shadow growled, holding his partner close as he shook. Not from fear. Not from the cold rain. From pure rage.

Ivo barely had time to react when he was shoved into the mast with the force of a thousand men. He gasped for air, but found it impossible to do so as a pair of gloved hands gripped his throat tightly. Shadow's red eyes burned with fire and fury. Ivo shuddered.

" You never should have came. " Shadow snarled, squeezing down on Ivo's neck, hard with every passing second. He threw the human to the ground, to give him a moment to breathe. "We've never caused you problems or grief. Why did you come?!"

As Ivo scrambled to get back on his feet, Shadow drew his sword.

" WHY ?!" He pounced, swinging his sword down onto the human's back.

Blood splattered across the deck, the rusty-red liquid staining Shadow's gloves and coat as he slashed Ivo over and over again. The rain did its best to wash the blood away, but more spilled. Ivo was screaming, but his voice was growing weak. Shadow didn't care.

He will pay .

Lightning struck the ocean, lighting up the night. Shadow was panting as he stood over the mangled corpse of Ivo Robotnik, rain beating down on him and washing away the blood on his cutlass. He dropped the sword and it landed with a clatter.

Shadow turned away from the corpse and walked away, dragging his tired body back to his weakened partner. Goldheart was silent now, but breathing. He will be alright.

Shadow gently carried Goldheart below deck, past the shocked faces of his crew.

But after that day, Shadow went back to his usual self.

Shadow was back in control. For now.

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