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Goldheart didn't know what drew him to become a pirate. As a hoglet, he was terrified of water; he would thrash and scream every time his parents insisted on him taking a bath. Yet somehow, somewhere down the line of his life, Goldheart decided he wanted to be a pirate—sailing on the seas.

He sighed, watching the water below. The blue hedgehog still shuddered with fear when the waves crashed higher than usual, or rain fell from the sky and refused to stop. Goldheart acts tough and pirate-y when the time calls for it, which is basically all the time, because the last thing he wants is for his true self to be revealed.

A pirate who's scared of water.


The waves crashed loudly against the ship. Goldheart held back a whimper. The ocean has been rougher than usual.


Said blue hedgehog almost jumped out of his skin at the voice seemingly appearing out of thin air. He turned around, coming face to face with the captain of the ship—one of the greatest pirates of all time—Shadow the Hedgehog.

"Yes, Cap'n?" Goldhearted, keeping his voice as steady as he could. I cannot let him figure it out .

"You seem tense. Are you alright?" Shadow asked with a voice so stern and anchored it made the first mate envy.

Goldheart nodded his head frantically.

"Perfectly fine!" He answered, giving the black hedgehog a thumbs up and a forced smile. Shadow raised an eyebrow, suspicious, but didn't push Goldheart any further. Instead, he turned and left, returning to the other crew members who were definitely not afraid of water in the slightest.

Goldheart sighed.

Soon, he found himself wallowing in self-pity in the Crow's Nest, shivering from the cold wind but didn't bother dressing warmly. Goldheart has to accept himself for what he is and what he may always be.

A pirate who is scared of water. 

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