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Clashes and clangs ricocheted off the salt-stained wood, slippery seafoam accompanying leather boots and a craving to win. Goldheart lunged forth, his cutlass holstering pressure on his opponent. He wouldn't lose again. Never to his captain.

Emerald eyes glared at scarlet eyes, who glared right back. Neither hedgehog was going to accept defeat. Goldheart jabbed his sword towards Shadow, who stepped out of the way in the nick of time and whipped his cutlass towards his opponent's head, who jumped away from the impact point seconds before steel met quills.

"Too slow, Cap'n!" Goldheart taunted, rolling under the black hedgehog. Shadow growled lowly, stabbing the sword down into the deck in an attempt to strike the blue hedgehog, but missed and ended up wedging it in deep while the first mate just laughed. Shadow yelled out, furious, ripping his cutlass out of the wood and charging at Goldheart.

Goldheart yelped, leaping to the side, and dodging the captain's attack. He panted, sweat rolling down his forehead as the sun bore down at him. Goldheart knew the Captain was in a no better situation; he knew Shadow was growing tired and feverish from the boiling heat. But they were put into this fight by the crew's request—they needed entertainment—so they had to finish it. The first one to be pinned down was the defeated. Goldheart was confident he'd get Shadow under him soon enough.

The crew was suddenly yelling out bets, half of them chanting for their captain while the others for Goldheart.

The first mate chuckled, standing up and taking a bow. Then he took a swift jab at Shadow, hoping to throw the stoic captain off guard. Shadow, expectedly, blocked the attack. Goldheart hissed, and Shadow smirked.

The black hedgehog stomped on his opponent's feet, earning a pained shriek from the hedgehog. Shadow took a swipe at the blue hedgehog's head, but once again, Goldheart ducked away, and Shadow found his sword caught in the mast. He attempted to wriggle it free, but his sensitive ears caught the sound of wood creaking behind him. Shadow concluded that Goldheart was on the move, seeking an angle of attack now that the black hedgehog was stuck attempting to free his cutlass.

Goldheart smirked, standing directly behind his captain. He tossed his sword, catching it by the handle when it fell. He was going to savour every morsel of this victory. The blue hedgehog leapt forward, cutlass posed to strike. But just as he was about to land a winning hit, Shadow spun around and ducked to the side. Goldheart tripped, falling flat on his face. Boy, he was glad he didn't stab himself in that fall.

Shadow gripped his cutlass tightly and ripped it out of the mast, bringing along splinters and pieces of sharp wood with it. Looking back to his first mate, the blue hedgehog was already climbing back onto his feet.

Now the crew was really excited for the undetermined victor; throwing in bets and cheering both hedgehogs on.

The two hedgehogs clashed their swords together once more, taking jabs and swipes at each other. The sun was slowly creeping towards the horizon, threatening to disappear into the dark abyss of the ocean to make way for night. Most of the crew had grown bored, watching their captain and first mate trade blows for the past few hours has certainly been tiring. By now, they have retired to their quarters, leaving Goldheart and Shadow dueling by themselves.

Goldheart yelled out, his voice hoarse after battling his captain for an afternoon in the blazing sun. Shadow chuckled, putting his sword between himself and his opponent, his arm trembling from overexertion. Goldheart growled, dropping his sword and charged at the black hedgehog. He threw Shadow the ground, the black hedgehog dropping his sword out of shock if anything. Emerald eyes burned with rage, yet they were so exhausted to the point that they have lost their spark.

The two of them lay on the deck, panting; Goldheart pinning Shadow down by the shoulders. As the sun vanished below the horizon, the blue hedgehog collapsed onto his captain, his breathing returning to normal.

"I win." He whispered, nuzzling the crook in Shadow's neck. The captain chuckled, wrapping his arms around Goldheart's torso.

"If you insist." Shadow responded, closing his eyes as he felt the hedgehog's breath on his neck.

By the time the moon rose to its place in the sky; the captain and his first mate were long asleep, bathing in the calmness of night and the watchful eyes of the stars.

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