Jake x johnnie x yn

16 3 3

I yawn waking up from my bead. I get out and put on a beautiful sweater and slacks and put ,y glasses on. I throw my hair into a bun, I wasn't like other girls.

I was going to a party so I put earrings in hoping them would make me look better. I didn't want to go this part but whatever it was probably going to be boring anyway.

I didn't want to dress up like a girly girl and felt better in my comfy cloths. I got in my car and started drive, it was like 12 at jigjt.

When I arrived there was people everywhere, ugh, people. I stepped out and everyone staired at me, I hatted attention. I walked throw the crowed and into the houses wher mor people where at.

I didn't really know what I was doing here because a my friend invited me. So I took a drink and siped on it in the coroner. I stayed there for soooooo long till two hot emo men came up to me.

"Ugh what do you want?" I say rolling my eyes. And cross my arms.

"You're kinda hot, what's your name. Utie" like oh my god this guy, really cute guy just asked me my name.

"Yeah like really hot" dam this men where so hot like extremely

"M-mmm-ine names Y-y-yyyy-/N" I stutter as my hair walls down.

"Jake" he grinned

"Johnine" moved his eyebrows

"Wanna kiss?" Johnnie said pressing his hand above my head

"Oh. Y god yes!!" I crash my lips up towards this etmrealy handsome man. Jake downs a bottle of tequila and grabs Johnnie drunkenly kissing him. The crowd around me screams and rips their phones out.

"Oh my god you were supposed to kiss me!" I pout tears bursting in my eyes. Pictures were taken before I'm pushed out of the way. I yell and fly down the hallway to the back yard. I cry as I burst throw the door and stumble of the steps.

I dash through people before slipping and falling into the pool and fucking dying.

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