Colby Brock X Y/N

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It was late at night. I had on a bright red dress, slipped off the shoulders. Sam had said it complimented my sapphire orbs, he was dragging me along to a party, he knees I haded panties. I absoutly hated them, I wasn't like regular infulencers, I wanted be be myself while working and whatnot. Bytatlast I ws know being dragged along.

There was going to be alcohol, drugs and hot men.q I just homed none of them would make any moves bcuz I'm. It like other girls, I like spoerts and stuff.

As same was driving use to the party it was a huge mansion. I wondered who owned it, who was so infuenceal. But whatever, that didn't mater. As we got up and ditched the car we weee greetied with so manny influencers, Bella porch, tx2, many singers, Kanye west, Lamar who was brawling with drake, and so many more influencers. I scoff as Sam greets his friends, leaving me.

"Whatever," I mumble. The music was loud, lights blaring like a forest fire, ugh. The party was already boring, I wanted to go back home and play video games like guys do. But suddenly a guy came up, I was going to throw hands.

"What do you want?" I hiss holding my drink close. He threw his hands up, laughing.

"People are betting on Kendrick and drake. I wanna know if you'll do the same, pretty." I scoff tossing my cup, what great joy I was having participating in my next activities.

"Sure, 50 on drake doing a right hook." I hand over 50. He was kinda attractive.

"Wow you know your terms, not very lady like." He said breaking a smirk.

"Yeah yeah whatever, what's ur name?"

"It's Colby sweatheart~." Ugh he was a little annoying, but that face made up for it. I wondered if he was single, he had to be, I mean he was OBVIOUSLY FLIRTING with ME. I MEAN AAAA, that's so sexy.

"Y-yyx6/n, nice to meet you Colby" shit! I was stuttering, why was I fucking stuttering. He takes my hand shaking it, I blush. Kendrick threw a chair in our direction, Colby grabbed my waist and pulled me out of the way.

"That was close, heh." Colby said, his hands trailing my back. We were so close together, we could almost kiss. He pulled me close, his breath on my neck, our lips so close. I close my eyes going in but my ass hits the ground and Colby screams, throwing his hands up.

Drake had kicked Kendrick in the no no and he was celebrating. Sam and a fe w others came over handing i. Some bets and cash to colby. The others celebrated with him in their winnings.

I got up sniffling and wiped my tears, colby was dragged away and shaken. Kendrick threw himself up and chucked another chair. This time it was coming directly at me. Everything slowed, I felt like time had just been stopped. I gasped and waited for colby but nothing.

In the end the chair smacked into my head and fucking killed me.

Happy ending, yay!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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