Werewolf Harry Styles x YN

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My name is Y/N and I'm the one and only alpha werewolf in my pack. But I'm not like other werewolves, my mother was a human and my father was a werewolf. And I have powers, im the chosen one.

"Mom, im going to school, see you later" I saw turning into a wolf and rushing to werewolf school with a breadstick in my mouth. As I arrive I turn back into a human and meet up with my best friend, Harley styles.

Did I mention i go to a private really really rich school? Well I do! "Hay Harry, how you doing." I ask bkushing. Did I also mention I have a HUGE CRUSH on him? Yea lol, he sooooo hot.

"I'm doing good Y/N, what about you?" I blushed, did he relaly ask me how I was doing. "IM DOING- great! We should go to class!" He smiles and takes my hand walking to glass. OMG WAS HE REALLY WALKING WITH OUR HANDS HOLD!?!,!1!1

We go to class and sit in our seat, next to each other. I look over to my enemy, Taylor swift, who's sat next to me. I grumble as our hot ass teacher walks in, Tom holland.

"Alright class, we're going to be learning about werewolf powers today. Everyone stand up." We all stood up and walked to the courtyard. "So we are going to turn into wolf forms and think about what makes up the most ahppy. I'll go frost"

He turned into a majestic wolf and let out a roar, fire bursting through his Maugham. Harry was next up. He roared turning into a beautiful blue wolf, ice form under his paws. I could sense he was an alpha.

Taylor step forwards. She turned onto a beta wolf and wind blew, she was a common type. Everyone laughed and she sat down huffing.

It was my turn now, my turn to reveal myself. I turn into a wolf and my wings appear. All four elements surround me, everyone gasps.

"The alpha of all wolves!" Tom says bowing. Taylor gets up and screems at me running away. Harry styles looks at me, smiling.

"You wanna get married baby?" He says, I blush.


And we lived happily ever after, except when taylor came back and smacked the back of my head with a chair killing me.

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