Hunter[TOH] x Yn

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Hunter and I were best friends and had been for years. I had a massive crush on him but I knew I didn't have a chance with him, he was a guy and I was on of the girls. He was soooo cute tho.

"Hey hunter, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me?"

"Not right now, I'm wallming with willow and Luz." What houw could he?! Why was he walking with these other girls, I couldn't have this happen. I knew there was a party goin on this night. It was going to be huge and I knew I had compitition.

"See you at the pary hunter." I smile at him and he smiles back. Oh my gosh he was so hot and even smiled at me!


I was getting ready to fight for hunters love. I let down my long rapunzel blonde and curl it tucking it behisn my ear. I put on highheals as I was a girly girl and start walking our of my house with a smi,e on my face. I walk towards the school where prom was being held.

"Im going to blow this place out to d the water." I laugh as I walk through the doors. As sson as I walked through the doors all eyes were on me. Hunter was dancing with willow and rushed to me as soon as he saw me.

"Y/N y-yyy-yyyou look gorgeous. Care to Dddd-dance." He held his hand out and I grabbed it.

"I knew youds fall for me hot stuff." He puts his hand on my waist and we start dancing. Willows stairs from the corner with a glare on her face before hunter leans over and kisses me whith a smirek. Willows eyes flare up and she flies out the door bursting into tears.

"Damn that was hot." I say

"Only for my sweetheart babbygurl." Hunter thirst L's me and we kiss again his orbs stairing into kind.

Y/N slanderWhere stories live. Discover now