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Hope's Peak Academy. My dream school. Only an academy for the most talented, and Ultimate students...

Me? Oh, I'm The Ultimate [Your Ultimate Here].
I know. It doesn't seem as "Ultimate" as The Ultimate Gambler, or The Ultimate Martial Artist. But at least I knew how to do something.

I walked past the gates. Finally, My k̶i̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ School life would begin! I walked into the school and...

My vision





I woke up in some strange classroom... My head was pounding... Where was I? Was this Hope's Peak Academy? I stood up. The first thing I noticed was a big surveillance camera watching me. I moved to the side, and the camera moved along with me.

What the hell? I thought. I backed up and bumped into a wall. I felt a sharp pain in my back and turned around to see a big metal plate covering every single one of the windows.

I tried to rip the plates off of the windows, but to no avail, they stayed right on. Just then, I felt pain in my fingers that were now turning a bright red. Who put these over the windows anyways?

I looked back over at the desks, and noticed a note on the desk I was sleeping on. There was a small puddle of my saliva on the desk. Wow, I must've been knocked out cold. I grabbed the note, and read it out loud.

" Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy, [Y/N] I will always have an eye on you! Enjoy your life, darling. " - mastermind

What is this? I thought to myself. "I will always have an eye on you" ? Was this a threat or something? Did I have a stalker? I couldn't worry about this. First, I had to worry about where I was, and how to get out of here.

I exited the classroom, and walked around in the hallway. Until I came across a strange room. There were 15 other students standing and waiting patiently inside of this room. There was a heavily locked door behind them.

" Hello, I am [ First Name ] [ Last Name ], and I am The Ultimate [ Your Ultimate Here ]. "

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ||𝐉. 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 Where stories live. Discover now