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After the punishment, she told me this:

I'll let you go tomorrow, but if you tell anyone that I'm the mastermind, I'll murder all of your friends, and I'll make sure you die a slow and painful death.

I waited for the next day to come...

The next day, like she promised, I found myself walking out that door.

I heard her remind me.

Remember, if you tell anyone that I'm the mastermind, I will murder your friends, and you will die a slow and painful death. She said in a British voice.

I nodded, and walked out of the monokuma control room, hearing it lock behind me. I walked out into the hallway, and heard laughter. A monokuma appeared in front of me.

Puhuhuhu! If you want to go to the dining hall, you have to go down those steps down the hallway. She said.

I walked down the steps, thinking to myself. Is monokuma a girl? Or a boy? I mean, the mastermind is a girl, but...

The moment I arrived in the dinning hall, everyone looked at me me with disgust.

T- The mastermind! Touko said.

What? I'm not the mastermind! I said.

Oh yeah? Then where have you been? Aoi asked.

I... I... Can I tell them, monokuma? I asked.

Puhuhuhu! Yes, you can! Monokuma said.

I've been kidnapped by the mastermind. I can't be the mastermind anyways because monokuma is still talking! I said.

Everyone apologized to me, and continued to discuss whatever.

I walked to my dorm, only to feel a cold chill run down my spine as I stepped into the room.

My room filled up with smoke.

Junko was back.

Yayy! You listened to me! Now I don't have to kill your friends. But that fills me with despair. I couldn't kill your friends and put you into awesome despair! I would love to see your despair filled face!

As she yapped about despair, I thought to myself.

How could this hellhole be called Hope's Peak Academy? It's not Hope's Peak Academy, it's Despair's Peak Academy...

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ||𝐉. 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 Where stories live. Discover now