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I ran out of the room, and ran around with Fukawa looking for the rest of our classmates.

We found them in the nurses office, with Yamada, who was dying on the floor... The minute I had stepped in, I heard a certain someone speak.
"We don't want to end up like those guys."

Those guys? I only see Yamada here, so what does Celeste mean by "those guys"? Was she talking about our classmates that died earlier in this killing game? I couldn't think about that right now.

Fukawa passed out due to the sight of blood, so we placed her on a bed in the office. Naegi then told me that there was another murder, and we progressed to the site where this second murder happened.

When we got there, I just saw more blood on the floor. It was as if the body got up, and moved itself. I was confused, and Naegi told me about how Ishimaru's body was discovered here.

We went back to the nurses office, and Yamada wasn't here. How did the bodies just move?

We all ran around, looking for the bodies, when we finally found them....

Yamada was still alive, on the floor. Asahina ran up to him, and tried to ask him who attacked him. As she asked, I noticed a hammer in the room called "Robo Justice Hammer 4" and  I heard... Yamada say... "Yasuhiro".

How could he do this to his friend? This wasn't right, we had to punish this murderer right here, right now.

We found Hakagure unconscious in a locker, so it couldn't have been him. The others thought it was me or Fukawa because I had no alibi's, and Fukawa has a split personality with famous serial killer Genocider Syo, who kills "Cute Boys".

Guys! It couldn't have been Fukawa, she would've been knocked out at the scene of the crime! You already know she passes out at the sight of blood!

"Okay then that only leaves you!" Asahina said.

"No, that's wrong!" Naegi said.

"How is it wrong?" Ogami asked.

"Think about what Celeste said when y/n entered the nurses office.-- Naegi started.
Celeste, do you remember what you said?" He finished.

"I said: "We don't want to end up like those guys." Celeste spoke.

"But you stayed behind with Asahina. We never told you that Ishimaru died. So that means-" Naegi started.

"I can't be the murderer, remember? Yamada said the culprit was Yasuhiro, so let's just vote for him already." Celeste said.

"Guys... remember how Yamada addresses people.... He calls them by their last name... " I said.

"Tell me, "Celeste"... What is your real name...?" Naegi asked.

"My real name, is Celestia Ludenberg... Could you please stop making me repeat myself over, and over again? Yasuhiro is a loser's name. Do I look like a loser to you?" Celeste yelled.


"What's your real name?"

"My name is. Celestia Ludenberg god damnit!" She yelled.

"No... Actually Taeko Yasuhiro would be fine."


"Well, farewell everyone... Perhaps we'll meet again in another life.."


Celeste looked a bit paranoid as she waited for her execution to begin. She was in front of a castle. Suddenly, a fire had began to start, and it spreaded.

We all saw a fire truck, and thought there was finally some hope for Celeste.

Until we saw monokuma in the firetruck.

The fire truck hit Celeste quickly, ending her execution...


We were all getting ready to leave the trial room, when monokuma tugged on my sleeve.

"Puhuhuhu, where do you think you're going?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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