RE: 八

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....hey hey! Junko said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

You know you're a member of the ultimate despair, right? She asked.

I got really annoyed, my entire facial expression changed. Why the hell are you lying to me? I ask.

Me? Lie to you? How can I be lying? You have tons of cuts on your legs. I wanted to make sure you didn't hurt yourself too much!- Huh-? Still don't believe me? Watch this video! She said happily.

She pulled her phone out and played some video of me being tied down in some chair, forced to watch a gruesome video. Somehow, I still had hope, and I didn't want to let go of it.

I ended up sitting in a chair next to some woman with brown-ish hair. I saw a familiar woman, who looked similar to Junko, sticking needles in the brown haired woman's head. She did the same to me, and I heard some screams as the video ended.

So, believe me now? Oh, Oh! I suppose I should tell you this too! 2 years ago, you lived here at Hope's Peak! This room here was your very own dorm!

I- It's not true! If that was true, I would've remembered that! This is my first time coming here!I said.

Oh, is that what you think? Why don't you go open that drawer at the desk behind your bed? She said with a sad expression.

Hesitantly, I walked up to the desk, and opened one of the drawers. I almost gagged. There was a ziploc bag in there, but when I opened the bag... I saw someone's blonde hair in the bag.

Is this... Your hair? I asked, nervously pulling the hair out of the bag, and holding it up to the light. It was the exact same color as Junko's hair.

Puhuhuhu! Correctamundo! You cut a piece of my my hair off and put it in this ziploc bag! She said, holding up a monokuma plushie in front of her face.

My head was pounding with a sharp pain as she spoke. I started to see myself doing this. Sneaking into her room with a pair of scissors and snipping off a small piece of her hair while she slept... Putting the hair in a bag, and putting it in this drawer.

How disgusting! How could I do this? Why am I just remembering this now? What the hell?

Two years ago, hope's peak academy, your beautiful h/l h/c hair moved along with the wind, your mesmerizing e/c eyes, you were beautiful, but not as beautiful as me of course! Every student had a crush on the both of us!

But you, you were only fixated on one person, none of the other students caught your eye. That one person? Me.

My head kept pounding as she spoke, and I eventually fell asleep, hearing a "puhuhuhu" before I lost consciousness.

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ||𝐉. 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 Where stories live. Discover now