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...Junko...? I call her, waiting for her reply.

Yes dear? She asks.

....would you.. kill me....? I ask worried.

Wow, are you really gonna sit here and ask me such a dumb question? If I killed my sister, the hell do you think? I'd only kill ya if I was bored! She said, making an x with her arms and putting up two rockstar signs using the both of her hands.

I was scared. But I also thought of a plan to get out of here, and it just might work. If I could get her to believe me, I could get out of here. Maybe just maybe...

...Well... Junko...? Can I get a hug...? I ask, almost wanting to throw up just asking her that...

I would have to let you out of your restraints... I don't believe you but... Fine! If you try to escape, just know that you're getting punished. She said, covering her face with a monokuma plushie, and talking like the robot bear.

She walked behind the chair, and took off the handcuffs, then she walked up to my legs and took the zip ties off of them. She then untied the ropes that were keeping me stuck to the chair.

As soon as I got up, I ran to the door, unlocked it, and found myself in a room full of cameras everywhere. I saw my friends in the cafeteria, but strangely, Chihiro and Mondo weren't there.

I saw a big TV, and looked at it because strangely enough, it was broadcasting me and most likely, all of my friends.

I can't think of this now! I have to find the exit! I ran out of the room full of cameras, and ran into the hall . Strange, I don't remember seeing this floor before.

I saw an open room, and ran into it. It had old, and beat up lockers. I saw one that didn't look so beat up, and hid in there because I started to hear her heels clicking against the floor in the distance.

As soon as I closed the locker, I realized that I was stuck in there because there was a card scanner on the locker, and it definitely looked like it was still in tact.

I was scared, and I desperately wanted her to leave the room, but then again, I hoped that she would find me, because I wouldn't be able to get out of the locker.

I then noticed a small book in the locker. I picked it up, and opened it. It said something about... Hope's Peak Academy. I also saw something about.... The two despairs....? Is this about.... Junko and her sister...?

The heel clicking got louder, and louder until it stopped. I looked outside of the holes in the locker, and saw her standing at the entrance of the room.

Oh y/n~ you do know that I'm also the super high school level analyst, riiiiiiight?~ I know you're in here. I can easily find you. She said in a creepy voice.

The both of her eyes started to move around in different directions, and it looked as if she was scanning her surroundings. Or looking for me.

Her eyes darted over to the locker I was hiding in. She walked over to the locker, and my breath got heavier and I started to sweat a lot.

She pulled out a card and put it on the card scanner. The locker door opened, and she gave me a cold stare.

You really are stupid, aren't you? She then pulled out a large syringe, and injected whatever this strange substance was in my neck. My body fell against the back of the locker as I fell asleep...

~~Enoshima Point of view~~

As soon as she passed out, I picked her up, and carried her bridal style back to the monokuma control room.

Word count: 651

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