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My head hurts.....

Where am I...? I fell asleep in my dorm but... This looks like... Some sort of control room...?

I looked at the person sitting in the chair in front of me and....

"Junko...?" I said.

But how...? I thought she died? I witnessed it....

"Yes, my love?" she asked.

So it really was Junko? But how was she here? Why was I here? What was going on? I had so many questions...

She pulled out a remote and pressed "15"... One of the control panels changed to a live video of the end of Sayaka's class trial. I then saw some machine that had a picture of Leon on it.

There was a pixelated version of Leon on the screen and it said: " Leon Kuwata has been found guilty! Time for his punishment. "

"The 1,000 Fungoes"
I then saw Leon get hit with 1,000 baseballs.... the last one... It had blood on it.... and Leon's body fell limp to the ground as everyone was forced to watch him get executed.

I started to cry.

"I'm sure you'd like to know why I dragged you here in your sleep, darling. " Junko said.

She looked different. This time, she had glasses and she looked like a professor.

" Yes, I would like to know why I'm here, Junko. "

" Well, it's actually very simple! I brought you here for two reasons. The first, is because I love you! The second... You told everyone about the letters I kept sending to you...! I never gave you permission to tell them, did I? " Junko said. But this time, she sounded like some anime girl.

" N- No... " I said. Oh great! Now I sounded like Toko, stuttering.......

Junko then walked up to me, and she kissed me on the cheek. I shivered.

" I'm sure you're asking... "How is she still here, I watched her die at least I'm sure I did?" Well, for your information, that wasn't me! That was my sister, Mukuro. I only killed her because I was bored. I wanted to feel some amazing despair! " She said casually.

I actually started to sob. Surely she loved her sister, right? She said she loves me. What if..... What if she kills me...?

𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ||𝐉. 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 Where stories live. Discover now