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I am excited to reveal to you a wealth of knowledge about the universe's secrets and realities. I believe that we are all mature, open-minded and believe in nonviolence. So to readers, I urge you all to take the time to read this book if you are interested in exploring the eternal self. Knowledge perimeter starts from God and ends at him, nothing beyond. "Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye - that knowledge is supreme which grants Salvation." This book is not a work of fiction, but rather a combination of factual information and distorted versions of reality designed to appeal to younger readers too. I have spent decades researching the concept of 'Self' before writing this book, and I hope that it will provide you with the strategies you need to achieve spiritual awakening. In addition, I have included contemporary issues and provided examples for each, such as the importance of wealth, the existence of aliens and ghosts, and the effectiveness of meditation. My ultimate goal is to create a happy world for future generations, and I believe that spiritual awakening is a crucial step towards achieving that.

If you are up for a challenge, I encourage you to answer the questions below to determine if you already know about VOID State and VOID Stage. If you answer 'yes' to each of them, you may already be familiar with many of the facts I am about to introduce. However, if you are not interested in reading the entire book, I urge you to at least read the conclusion of the Truth Realization section as it contains essential facts that everyone should know.

Questions for Void State:

1. Have you achieved a greater sense of inner peace and contentment? Imagine yourself as serene as pond water; even amid disruption, your mind effortlessly returns to its natural state. Are you always happy with your own company?

2. Have you developed a heightened sense of empathy and compassion for all moving and non-moving things equally? When you see a helpless person, for instance, you try to understand their daily suffering by placing yourself in their shoes and so on. Similarly, if you are sitting among a lot of unclean animals but you are not uncomfortable, you don't feel disgusted, but rather connected to them.

3. Are you able to feel the vibration of the surrounding nature? If you observe the ripple effect of water closely, you can feel its vibration within you. Similarly, you can feel the vibration of a bell ringing or someone else reciting the mantra OM, but you can also feel the vibration emanating from your heart.

4. Do you feel that life has more meaning or purpose? Either you understand why you were sent here by nature, or you have figured out a way to dissolve into this world and go back when time ends with nothing to pull you back.

5. Have you developed a natural inclination to feel less afraid, angry, or anxious even if you are absent-minded in any situation, upon observing something intriguing immediately a solution comes to your mind as if you have grown up a sixth sense or getting help from nowhere?

6. Do you know how nature put the pieces together to get you to where you are currently, neither you nor others?

7. Are you appreciative of all the eye-opening experiences and people who helped you discover the ultimate meaning of life? (The only living thing that could have assisted you was by the command of nature, and nature is the best teacher there is.)

8. Can you maintain your composure in the face of death rushing at you from all directions (in the shape of numerous natural disasters) or nature turning on its head, for example, or if you find yourself abandoned in a forest full of dangerous animals or dropped inside an ocean or you find yourself inside a burning room or while you are condemned to death?

Questions for 'Void Stage':

1. Are you aware that our world is nothing but suffering and that, although we shouldn't be here, we must stay till the very end without interfering with nature's intended course?

2. Are you aware of the causes, mechanics, and termination of the birth cycle and what causes all of it? (Paramatma is all and Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, Samana, etc. are just the cause.)

3. Are you aware of the fundamental rights we have on this earth? (You are incorrect if you believe it to be just clothing, food, and shelter. It's nothing at all.)

4. How could we appear out of nowhere, or at least, do you know how to get back to your place?

5. Do you know how, exactly, we can identify—by sight, touch, feeling, and so on—the existence of entities other than ourselves in this universe? not from the standpoint of science at the human level, but from otherworldly science?

6. I am doing it. I am not doing it. It is done by me. It is not done by me. I am responsible. Yet I am not responsible. Do you know who I am?

7. I am one. I am not one, but two. No, I am three. Again I am five. I am infinite. I am none. Do you know who I am?

8. I am the purest. Yet, I am impure. Do you know who I am?

9. Do you have a strong desire to explore spiritual aspects of this world, or have many philosophical questions about this illogical world or maybe you have already found answers to all those and want to relate it with someone else?

10. Are you aware that death is not the end, yet a new chapter of the universe opens in front of you, which could be full of happiness or it could bring unbearable pain based on your Karma?

Thank you for your patience up to this point. If you have gone through 'Spiritual awakening or Enlightenment', but are now confused what to do next till death or negative ideas are clouding your mind, then this book will provide you with an easy solution to continue life with positivity and with a new aim to explore. If you choose to accompany me, I will take you on my journey from the past to the present as a story, not any boring nonfiction book. My purpose is to bring down bad forces inside us by eradicating ignorance and sharing reality. I am writing this book for the whole world and without any wish sharing it with all, so you are free to share it with the needy or with your dear ones.

from, Devadatta Gyana

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