First visit to Heavens assembly

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We came out of the room and I collected the leaf back. It was still dark outside. I started to follow him and finally after flying for some time we reached a grand palace in mid air. The gatekeepers, soldiers and various strong animals were protecting the palace. We entered the castle after they verified his identity. Normal outsider magic did not work there, hence we had to walk on foot and even my wings disappeared automatically. Inside the palace, the walls seemed to shift and writhe like a living entity, and the floor beneath our feet felt like a soft, malleable substance that might swallow us whole at any moment. The castle's entrance had been shrouded in a veil of illusions, making it impossible for ordinary beings to find their way inside the palace. He who had been granted permission to enter this mystical realm by the castle's enigmatic ruler can only pass through the corridor. As we ventured deeper into the castle, the magic grew stronger, and I could feel the weight of centuries of enchantments pressing down upon us. Every step we took seemed to unravel a new layer of secrets and mysteries, each one more intriguing than the last. The castle's corridors twisted and turned, leading us through a maze of grand halls and intimate chambers, each one filled with wonders and curiosities beyond my wildest dreams.

Finally, we arrived at the assembly room, a grand hall with walls adorned with glittering crystals and a ceiling that seemed to stretch up to the end of the world. The room was filled with a warm, golden light that seemed to emanate from the very walls themselves. At the far end of the room, on a big stage a big empty throne was there and some other comparatively smaller thrones situated alongside it. At other places, smaller seats were floating in the mid air. Apart from lead members and lords, many members were already present there. It was heavily guarded by celestial beings. The Heavens auditorium was alive with the hum of anticipation. The stars twinkled in the sky, and the moon cast a silver glow over the grand structure. The auditorium was a marvel of celestial architecture, with its towering spires and intricate carvings of constellations. The audience was a diverse mix of celestial beings, from angels to demons, all gathered to take part in the assembly.

On the stage, suddenly a group of figures appeared, shrouded in shadows and filled the thrones. A group sitting in the central region began to play a haunting melody on a lyre, and the audience was captivated by the ethereal beauty of the music. As the music swelled, one person stepped forward, revealing a radiant being with wings that shimmered like the stars in the night sky. The being began to sing, her voice like a chorus of angels, and the audience was transported to a realm beyond the heavens. The music was describing the glory of heaven and the audience started maintaining silence. As the performance came to a close, the stadium got well lit and lord himself appeared on the stage out of thin air. All The audience stood up from their respective seats and bowed down to pay their respect. The angel and the musical crue took the final bow. The stage went into the ground and the gate closed behind them, leaving all the audience to bask in the glow. There were a lot of angels. I heard stories of the Lord of Heaven's wisdom and power, and I thought that I was in the presence of a truly remarkable being. "Then let us begin," he said, with a smile.

Later I came to know about other of them. All the people present over the stage were demigods, demigoddesses and priests. Respected lord of hell was also present among them. They were the main judiciary members of the assembly. Other people who were sitting on the left side were representatives of various regions of heaven and earth. To the right all were the representative of the ashura, demons, nagas and other creatures etc. Then in the region in front left of the stadium where I was sitting. I was not the only human present over there. Many other humans were also waiting for their evaluation with one attendant of their own. They were more people than I realized. On the front right hand side a lot of creatures, animals, demons were also waiting for their evaluation.

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