Revealing of the truth and end of my journey

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In a fraction of a moment I was instantly transmitted into unknown space and I was standing in the lap of darkness. I was unable to decide which way to go. I sat with my eyes closed and started chanting the name of god as the divine tree prescribed. After a moment, I started feeling hot. Heat generated from the bottom of my body. My heart started feeling heavy, then my third eye chakra and finally I felt a force start to flow from my base chakra and ended at Sahasrara. After some fraction of a second it stopped and a ripple of waves started on top of my head. With that a white light covered my eyes and my vision started getting blurry. That was the moment I could not think of anything. Everything felt foggy. That feeling was just like samadhi state. A long time has passed since I started and I was waiting for it. One day I remember one memory of my childhood, in which I was playing with my shadow. I was running behind my shadow to catch it. The same memory started appearing at random time. I thought it might not be a mere coincidence and opened my eyes to confirm. I could see my shadow falling in front of me. To see in darkness, you must first understand that darkness is not really the absence of light, but rather the presence of something else. The trick is to find the hidden source of light within you, and to let that inner light guide you through the darkness. It felt like something deep inside me was glowing and causing a shadow and I continued following it. I walked and walked felt like an eternity. Finally I started seeing a bright light coming from the front. I walked towards it and the darkness disappeared from my back. I was in a bright place.

GOD: "Welcome Son! The journey must have been long and arduous for you."

I was astonished and surprised due to hearing my own voice from every direction after passing many days in vacuum.

GOD: "Fear not, you are now in my protection. I am the Supreme Power. You wanted to see my right? Bear with me."

Afterwards what happened was beyond my wildest imagination, I couldn't believe my eyes what I saw after that. Before me lay a galaxy that was an exact replica of our own. Some force was moving me towards it. I saw earth resonated with the sweet cooings of the birds, filled with beautiful fruit-laden trees, forests and gardens. Big rivers, wells, tanks, ponds, water-springs, small pools, women, men all are there living happily. I saw a modern yet simple city enclosed by a divine wall, containing many sacrificial halls and various palatial buildings and magnificent edifices. Saints were performing yagna there.

I was then propelled to a higher label. I saw a big mountain in the center which was supporting the upper layer on it. I found myself in a beautiful, lush garden, filled with flowers and trees that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light just as my own universe's heaven, but it was even richer than that. I was taken aback by its indescribable beauty, unsure of what to say. I saw all types of animals even more than I saw in our heaven. They were freely wandering everywhere, not like in earth's heaven(only in a heavenly garden). All of them were looking like humans, not celestial beings. All those places were filled with greenery. Kids and adults were playing, dancing and singing among themselves. Few were meditating. After this again I rose above.

Then I saw a big land floating in space. Many majestic looking people were sitting there and discussing something. Immediately I floated away to a new place. I recognised the place. Lord Shiv was meditating on the peak of the white snow covered mountain with Lord Ganesha and Lord Karthikeya. Various celestial beings were praying continuously in his glory surrounding at the feet of the mountain. I saw many other Gods and Goddesses as per Indian legends as well. Before I could do anything again I was taken into a beautiful place which I thought I knew, just as it was described in our legends. Two guards were guarding the place. I flew towards them, but they could not see me. I passed through the gate, and went in. Narayan, having four hands, was lying there on a gigantic snake and the Goddess was there on his feet. They smiled looking towards me. I got confused and looked back to check if anyone else was behind me. After turning back again I was at a different place. A beautiful golden mountain and warm glow was there over the entire scene. The mountain itself was unlike anything I had ever seen before - it was covered in a thick layer of gleaming gold, as if it had been dipped in the precious metal. Devi was there on top of a lion above its peak. I was not able to see anything clearly due to the distance and glow of light. I saw all of our major Gods and Goddesses there one by one whom I knew.

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