Journey to hell and exploration Journey to hell and exploration

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After covering a long distance while following them I saw a big mountain. On top of the mountain a castle was there, and the exterior of the castle was a sight to behold. Those celestial beings continued going down the opposite side of the mountain. The castle was built atop a massive mountain of obsidian, it's dark silhouette reaching towards the fiery sky. The fortress was surrounded by a moat of molten lava, serving as both a barrier and a source of light, casting an eerie glow upon the castle's walls. The castle's walls were made of dark stone, adorned with intricate carvings and grotesque gargoyles. The entrance was guarded by two massive, stone statues of fearsome beasts, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. I decided to check inside, hoping someone can help me. As I tried to enter inside, I heard a voice.

"Halt! Who goes there?"

My wings disappeared. Out of terror, my feet got frozen, and my heart was racing fast. "Uh, I am a human. I came to this place following those celestial beings, after wandering in this spirit realm for many days, finding a way to return back to earth." I stammered.

There was a long pause, and then the voice spoke again. "You are not authorized to enter."

"But...but I have come so far," I said. "I am not sure what happened to me. I just want to get some answers to my questions."

The voice laughed, a low, ominous sound. "Your intentions seem to be bad. Come in then, let's hear what you want to know."

I started floating in the air, without any control moved inside the castel. Finally after flying through multiple hall ways I was standing infront of a big door, and it opened in front of me. I moved inside the castle from the castel. I felt a chill run down my spine as the doors slammed shut behind me, leaving me standing alone in the darkness. A new path drew me towards it. Finally I was in front of a mysterious man sitting on a chair behind the desk. He seemed very scary yet devine. He told me he is the representative of the lord of hell.

He: "Dear son! You said you have a few questions in your mind. Ask me what you want to know, I will try to answer if I would like your question."

I: "Sir, what is this place called? How did I come to this world?"

He: "This place is the netherworld or Naraka. This is the southernmost region of the world. We evaluate sins of souls and penalize them based on severity of sins. I am not sure how you came here, but when I checked your life span I found you are not supposed to be dead yet. Could you tell me the details of what happened before you came here?"

I: "I followed the instructions prescribed in a book called 'The book of ultimate Theosophy'" and elaborated what I was doing and how I reached here.

He got angry and said, "You fool! Why do you all do these kinds of strange strings? The main life force in humans is the soul or prana. When you concentrate on Sahasrara all of your life force gathers there and after closing all the nine gates, when you chanted the written mantra your soul got out of your body. This technique is used by spiritual awakened persons to remove their soul before dying after getting the sign of death. But what you did kind of a suicide. Not sure why you don't have any such sins in your karma book. Come with me, let's meet my master, the Lord of hell. Now only he can rescue you."

The castle's grand throne room was the heart of the Hell Lord's domain. There, the Hell Lord holds court, hearing the pleas of the damned and passing judgment on those who dared to defy him. The room was filled with a cacophony of whispers and murmurs of celestial beings. The Lord of Hell was sitting on his throne, his eyes fixed upon me with a piercing gaze that seemed to see right through my soul. "So, you are the one who entered my castle without access?," he rumbled, his voice like thunder. "What is it that you desire from here?"

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