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"Does Colby know about the date?" Kaila asked and I shook my head

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"Does Colby know about the date?" Kaila asked and I shook my head. "Why not?" My sister in law Savannah asked. "Because I know he's gonna turn into an angry bird and I don't have time for that." I said putting on my purse.

"Too much or too little?" I asked them

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"Too much or too little?" I asked them. "How about just right? Is that option?" Savannah asked and I shook my head. My doorbell ranged and I groaned. "Now it is an option." Kaila stated before opening the door. "Well hello superman." She said giving him a smirk. "Uh hello?"

"Joe this is my sister Kaila and this is my sister in law Savannah." I said grabbing my phone. "Nice to meet you both." He smiled and I pushed Kaila back slightly. "We're leaving now. When I get back this driveway better be empty." I pointed at them before closing the door. "You look beautiful," he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you and you look very handsome. You should wear suits more." I said walking to his car. "Might take you up on that." He said opening the door for me. "Thank you." I said getting in.

An hour later...

"You didn't." Joe laughed trying not to choke on his food. "I did, he pranked me with snakes in my room with my brother which caused me to sprain my ankle. So I ran him and Jaden over with Colby mom's car." I said taking a sip of my wine. "I'm surprise Colby never told me that." He said clearing his throat. "Most likely embarrassed, trust me if Holly wasn't there I would have ran them over until they needed to go to the hospital like I did." I said with a smirk.

"Remind me to never cross you." "I would never hurt someone as handsome as you." I said and he raised an eyebrow. "Ok maybe if you break my heart but the worse I'll do is burn your clothes." I said as the waiter came over. "Let me remove these plates, are we getting any dessert?" He asked and I shook my head and Joe did too. "Alright whenever you two are ready." He said leaving the check on the table.

I scooped it up and opened it. "So you want to split it?" I asked. "Nope," he snatched it from me before pulling out his credit card. "I'm not going to let you pay for all that myself." I said trying to take it from him but the waiter came back and he gave him the check and his card. "Seriously." "I'm sorry are we here as friends? No we're on a date so I'm not gonna let you pay." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but I'm gonna give our waiter a tip." I said pulling out eighty dollars. "Subtract twenty dollars, I didn't like the way he was staring at you." He said and I shook my head. "He wasn't staring at me for anything he was staring at you. Now I have a question for you that I meant to ask in the beginning." I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah what's that?" He asked. "How come someone as handsome as you is single at the age of 35?" I asked. "How do you know I'm 35?" "I did my research, now tell me." "I was married though and I have a daughter who's 6 years old." He said and I smiled. "What's her name?" I asked. "Joelle, she's the sweetest person you'll ever meet," he said.

"So how come you and your wife divorced?" I asked. "Well...we divorced about four years ago. I cheated on her and we tried couples counseling but she couldn't forgive me so she filed for divorce. I don't blame her 'cause if she cheated on me I wouldn't be able to forgive her either." "Oh...I'm surprised you came out and said that. Not many people are straightforward or honest." I said as the waiter came back.

"You two have a good night and thank you." He said giving Joe back his card and taking his tip from me. "I can see this relationship going somewhere so I'm gonna be honest with you." He said holding out his hand. I took it as we walked out the restaurant.

"I had a lovely night." I said looking up into his eyes. "So did I." I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer. Before he could slip in the tongue I pulled away. "I got a little carried away but after my last relationship I want to take this one slow." I said wiping my lip gloss off his lip.

"I understand. Goodnight, I'll give you a call tomorrow." He said before giving me last kiss then walking away. I stared at his ass before turning around to go inside. "This nigga is gonna drive me crazy." I murmured before closing the door.

A/N: Jey better get his lick back ✌🏽

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