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A/N: man that man looks great

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A/N: man that man looks great...anyways...

I was upset that I couldn't see my daughter. I was going crazy and I couldn't focus on anything but her. "Hey." Takecia said coming inside with a wheelchair. "What are you doing with that?" I asked her sitting up a bit. "I'm sneaking you out of here to go see your daughter." She said walking over to me.

"I can't leave this bed let alone the room." I protested a little. "Do you want to see your daughter or not because I know you want to." She said and I sighed knowing she was right. "Alright let's do it." She helped me out of the bed into the wheelchair. She wheeled me to elevator up to the NICU. "See that baby right there." She pointed and I nodded. "That's her."

I smiled and stared at her. She was breathing on her own so that was a good sign. She looked just like Joe and it made me smile. "She's beautiful." I said putting my hand on the glass. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around to see Joe standing there with his arms crossed and Josh standing next to him.

"Hey she wanted to see her daughter, let her have this." Takecia said turning back around. He sighed before walking over. "She looks just like you." I said to him. "I know." He said giving me a kiss on the forehead. "JJ looks like you and Moana looks like Joe. Is y'all next kid going to look like both of you?" Josh asked.

"Oh no, we're not having anymore kids and I mean it. I can't go through this again." I said tearing up. "I wanna go back to my room." I mumbled. "I'm going to take her back." Joe said wheeling me to the elevator. He helped me back in bed and I tried not to break down.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting on the bed. "I'm sorry." I mumbled breaking down anyways. "Why are you apologizing?" He asked confused. "I feel like I'm failing you and our kids. I can't carry your kids to full term, something is always happening and I can't take it anymore. I can't go through this again." He gave me a hug as I sob on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault, I don't want you blaming yourself anymore. Things like this just happens sometimes it happens to good people." He said and I sobbed harder. "How is that supposed to make me feel any better?!" "I'm sorry but it's not your fault. Both of our children came out fine. She was just ready to meet us early just like JJ was. You didn't do anything wrong but if you don't want anymore kids I totally understand." He reassured me and I nodded.

"I'll think about it." I said wiping the tears. "I can always get a vasectomy so we don't have to go through again." He said and I shook my head. "No I don't want you to do that, what if I change my mind and that's something I want you to decide on."

A couple of weeks ago

"You finally get to go to home baby girl to meet your big sister and brother." Today her and I were leaving. My incision reopened a week ago so I had to spend another few days in the hospital.

 My incision reopened a week ago so I had to spend another few days in the hospital

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"Are you two ready to go?" Joe asked grabbing his bag. "Been ready for days." "Your mind might've been ready." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. "But your body sure as hell wasn't." "Bite me."

At the house...

"Mommy!" JJ ran up to me but Joe immediately grabbed him. "No I want mommy!" He squirmed trying to get out of Joe's grasp. "You will get her just wait a minute." "Just take her." I handed the car seat to Joe while I took JJ from him. He wrapped his arms and legs around me. "I missed you." He mumbled. "I missed you too baby."

"Daddy!" Jojo wrapped her arms around arms around Joe. "Hey baby girl." "Hi Kar, is that my sister?" She asked me. "Yes, you to go over to the couch to meet her." She nodded and we walked to the couch. I sat JJ in my lap since he wouldn't let go of me if life depended on it.

"She looks just like you daddy." Jojo said touching her face lightly. "I know Kar already said that and I can tell. Do you wanna hold her?" He asked her and she nodded her repeatedly. Joe carefully placed Moana in Jojo's arms. JJ leaned over to stare at his sister. He smiled before looking at his dad.

"That's your sister." Joe said and JJ smiled reaching his hand out. "I think he likes her." I said with a smile. "He better, he's gotta protect her when they get older." He said and I laughed.

A/N: last chapter next.

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