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Still Jaden's Pov

"Kar, I know you're missing Joe right now but-" "There is nothing you can say that'll make me forget about him. I want him in my life- actually right now I need him in my life." Karsyn grumbled, tears streaming down her face.

I feel so guilty, I didn't realize how much happiness Joe brought her. She was so depressed that she didn't even go to our sister's wedding. I still believe my sister deserves better than him but I should have went about it a different way. "It's the fact that it is I never seen Sean behind Joe's like why won't he believe me?" She asked wiping the tears.

I sighed before speaking up. "Karsyn, I have something to tell you." "No you don't." Colby immediately chimed in but I brushed him off. "I want you to have an open mind when I tell you." I said and she looked so confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "He's talking about nothing." Colby said with a smile but Rebecca shut him up.

"What is it?" Kaila asked. I was about to back out because of that death glare Colby was giving me but I told her anyway. "Colby and I ruined your relationship with Joe." I explained.

Karsyn's Pov

Karsyn's Pov

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My jaw dropped and I felt my anger build up

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My jaw dropped and I felt my anger build up. "I'm sorry I don't catch that correctly." I said standing up walking over to him. "Ok, I smell argument about to happen so why don't Holly and I gather the children and go to the backyard." Elijah said and Colby's mother nodded in agreement. She grabbed Imani and led Deandre and Amina outside, while Elijah picked up Amaya and grabbed Roux's hand.

"What the hell did you do?" Kaila asked now standing up.

"It wasn't just me it was Colby too." Jaden defended and Colby rolled his eyes.

"What the hell did you two do?" Rebecca asked getting upset now

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"What the hell did you two do?" Rebecca asked getting upset now. "We didn't really do anything. All we did was tell a little white lie." Colby said. "And what was the little white lie was?" Rebecca asked. "That...Karsyn was seeing Sean behind his back." He said and I felt my chest tighten.

"So you're the one that destroyed my relationship." I murmured not wanting to believe any of it. "It sounded like a good idea at the time I mean it still does. I was trying to protect you. The last thing I needed was for you to call me telling me that Joe broke your heart." He tried to defend himself but Kaila and Rebecca wasn't having it.

"This girl has been sitting around for months depressed because of what you did?! Did you consider her feelings at all before you did this shit?" Rebecca asked. "I did!" "Clearly you didn't if you went through with!" Kaila yelled at him. "I went through with it because she's like my sister and I was trying to protect her from him." He defended himself and I looked over at my brother disappointed.

What did I do to deserve this? Is all I asked myself. "Jaden?" I called out. "Yeah?" "Perché lo faresti? (Why would you do that?)" I asked in Italian. "Colby mi ha parlato di lui. Non volevo che ti trattasse come ha fatto con la sua ex. (Colby told me about him. I didn't want him to treat you like he did with his ex.)" He said trying to come to me but I pushed him away.

"Non avevi il diritto di farlo. Ero felice con lui e tu lo sapevi! (You didn't have the right to do so. I was happy with him and you knew it!)" I yelled. "Lo so, ma prima o poi ti avrebbe spezzato il cuore e poi?! (I know, but sooner or later he would have broken your heart and then?!)" He yelled.

"E allora?! Quella merda succede e tu lo sai. Che diavolo ti passava per la testa? (So what?! That shit happens and you know it. What the hell was going through your head?)" "Colby ha fatto sembrare che fosse una buona idea e che tutto sarebbe andato bene. (Colby made it look like it was a good idea and that everything would be fine.)"

"Stai ascoltando te stesso in questo momento Jaden?! Tu hai un master e lui un diploma di scuola superiore e TU hai pensato che fosse una buona idea! (Are you listening to yourself right now Jaden?! You have a master's degree and he has a high school diploma and YOU thought it was a good idea!)"

"I'm not all caught up on my Italian so can you catch me up in English this time." Colby said with a cheeky smile that I ended up slapping off his face. "Let me catch you then, both of you are now dead to me. Not only did you lie and cause me a relationship, you made it look like I was the problem." I walked out and slammed the door.

Everything made sense now. How could I not see this coming. It all started when I told those two I was moving in with Joe. "Karsyn are you alright?" Kaila asked and I shook my head. "You look a little fluster." Rebecca said wiping the sweat of my forehead. I held my chest and bump as I tried to control my breathing.

"Are you alright? Are you having contractions?" My sister asked and I shook my head. "I know this look I had it when I was pregnant. I was very stressed when I was pregnant you need to get her to a doctor." Rebecca said. "Alright, tell Eli that I'll meet him and Maya at home." Kaila said and Rebecca nodded.

She took me to my car and put me in the passenger seat. My mind right now is on Joe. He has to know the truth even if he doesn't want to be with me anymore, he deserves to know. Just like he deserves to know about his child.

A/N: Next chapter on Tuesday <3

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