The truth

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A month later

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A month later...

"How's the wedding dress shopping going?" I asked Kaila over the phone

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"How's the wedding dress shopping going?" I asked Kaila over the phone. "Great! Rebecca's gonna be my maid of honor if that's alright with you." She said and I shook my head. "I told it doesn't matter, it's your wedding so it's your choice." I reassured her. "I just wanted to make sure, so how's the pregnancy going?" She asked.

"Well, I'm fifteen weeks with no help from the father so pretty great." I grumbled grabbing my strawberries from the fridge. I'm starting to show which means I'm wearing more baggy clothes so no will notice. Rebecca tried to convince Joe to talk to me but she said it didn't go so well.

"He'll come around and if he doesn't you can always sue for child support." Kaila said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm not suing anyone. I just know I'm gonna have to say something about my pregnancy eventually I can't wear big clothes forever." I said and Kaila hummed in agreement. "The wedding is in ten weeks, I'll just tell people you still don't feel good."

"You can tell mom and dad that Joe broke up with me. I don't care but don't tell them that he knocked me up." I told her. "Yeah I wasn't going to but if I were to I wouldn't use the term knocked up." She laughed which made me laugh a bit.

Ten weeks later...

Kaila was getting married today and some of my family was texting me asking where I was especially my parents. I haven't seen my parents since my brother got married. I wanted to desperately tell them why I really wasn't there but they would make a huge deal over it. I gave up on calling Joe a few weeks ago. I just found it pointless at this point.

I ate some ice cram while watching 'Five Feet Apart'

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I ate some ice cram while watching 'Five Feet Apart'. "Ah young love, life will take that away from them so fast." I grumbled shoving my spoon full of ice cream in my mouth. The doorbell ranged and I paused the movie. I grabbed two twenty's out of my wallet before going to the front door.

Instead of being greeted by the delivery person I was greeted by my mother and father. Mind you they don't know I'm pregnant and I didn't put on a sweatshirt. "Oh." I murmured as my mother's eyes widen.

"Mamma, papà, cosa ci fate qui? (Mom, dad, what are you doing here?)" I asked and my mother immediately greeted me with a hug

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"Mamma, papà, cosa ci fate qui? (Mom, dad, what are you doing here?)" I asked and my mother immediately greeted me with a hug...well now they know I'm pregnant. "Mi sei mancata, amore mio. (I missed you, my love.)" My mom said letting me go and putting a hand on my bump. I let them in and made them some tea.

"Non hai ancora detto perché sei qui. (You haven't said why you're here yet.)" I said drinking my own tea. "Non eri al matrimonio di tua sorella. Eravamo preoccupati per te, caro. (You weren't at your sister's wedding. We were worried about you dear.)" My dad now giving me a hug and I smiled hugging him back.

"Sto bene, papà. (I'm fine, dad.)" I said looking at him and my mom. "Allora perché abbiamo appena scoperto che sei incinta? (So why did we just find out you're pregnant?)" My mom asked and I shrugged not really having an answer that she wouldn't be upset at. "Non ho davvero una risposta per te, mamma. Joe mi ha lasciato il giorno in cui ho scoperto di essere incinta. Presume che io abbia visto Sean alle sue spalle e non è così. (I really don't have an answer for you, Mom. Joe left me the day I found out I was pregnant. He assumes I saw Sean behind his back and it's not like that.)" I said going into my fridge.

"Gli hai detto che eri incinta? (Did you tell him you were pregnant?)" My dad and I shook my head. I seen my mom start to look disappointed but I immediately started to defend myself. "Ho provato a chiamarlo ma non ha mai risposto. Molte persone hanno provato a parlargli a nome mio, ma ancora niente. Ho rinunciato a contattarlo. (I tried to call him but he never answered. Many people have tried to talk to him on my behalf, but still nothing. I gave up contacting him.)" I said feeling upset.

"Forse dovresti tornare a casa, tesoro. (Maybe you should go home baby." My dad said rubbing my back. "Cosa intendi? (What do you mean?)" I asked. "Possiamo aiutarti con il bambino, tesoro. Non devi restare qui. (We can help you with the baby, honey. You don't have to stay here.)" My mother said and I thought about it.

It would be great to go back to Italy but I have so much here that I don't think I'm ready to go home yet. "Non lo so, posso pensarci? (I don't know, can I think about it?" I asked them and they nodded. "Prenditi tutto il tempo che ti serve, tesoro. Sai se avrai un maschio o una femmina? (Take as much time as you need, honey. Do you know if you will have a boy or a girl?)" My mother asked.

"No, non lo so. Ho deciso di aspettare per scoprirlo. (No, I don't know. I decided to wait to find out.)" I said and they nodded before giving me another hug.

A couple days later...

Jaden's Pov

"Let's try to make her feel happy. She's been through a lot and she hasn't been feeling well." Colby said before walking to the door. Kaila and Rebecca shared a look and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Karsyn came in and sat in between Rebecca and Kaila. "How are you doing?" Kaila asked. "I'm hating life right now, aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?" She asked.

"I postponed it and I think you know why." Kaila said and Karsyn nodded. "Kar, I know you're missing Joe right now but-" "There is nothing you can say that'll make me forget about him. I want him in my life- actually right now I need him in my life." Karsyn grumbled tears streaming down her face.

I feel so guilty, I didn't realize how much happiness Joe brought her. She was so depressed that she didn't even go to our sister's wedding. I still believe my sister deserves better than him but I should have went about it a different way. "It's the fact that it is I never seen Sean behind Joe's like why won't he believe me?" She asked wiping the tears.

I sighed before speaking up. "Karsyn, I have something to tell you." "No you don't." Colby immediately chimed in but I brushed him off. "I want you to have an opening mind when I tell you." I said and she looked so confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "He's talking about nothing." Colby said with a smile but Rebecca shut him up.

"What is it?" Kaila asked. I was about to back out because of that death glare Colby was giving me but I told her anyway. "Colby and I ruined your relationship with Joe." I explained.

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