His Number

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Y/N: Dad, marriage is not a joke; you cannot get me married to anyone without my consent.

Y/N's Dad: I am not asking you; I am telling you.

Y/N: Dad, you can't do that; I am not a child anymore; I can take decisions in my life; you can't force me.

Y/N's Dad: Yes, of course, your decisions. How can I forget your decision 3 years ago, because of which we could not show our faces to anyone?

Y/N: Dad, why are you saying old things? I will not marry that mafia; he is older than you. At least have mercy on me.

Y/N's Dad: Mercy, he is a mafia, no ordinary person; he is the most dangerous mafia of this country; he wants you in return for our property and our lives; have mercy on me, Y/N; he will kill all of us if he does not get you; this is his condition; I am a simple businessman; I can't fight with him; you have to marry him.

Y/N: I would rather die.

Saying this, Y/N runs towards her room.

Y/N's mother: Why are you doing this? She is our only daughter.

Y/N's Dad: That's why I want to save her. I don't care about my life. If we don't get Y/N married to that mafia with our consent, I don't know what he will do with our daughter. Three years ago, I saw her broken, and if anything happens to her, I will not be able to bear it. At least she will be safe with the mafia.

Parents can do anything to save their child. The daughter of an ordinary businessman is in the eyes of the mafia. It is scary to hear. Mafia Mr. Han spots Y/N at a party, and now he wants her, or he'll kill her entire family.

Y/N was crying while sitting in her room; she did not want to marry Han at any cost.

Then a name comes to her mind.

The name that the mafia world is afraid of is because, because everyone calls him the Marseilles mafia, he probably doesn't have a heart inside, a stone heart.

Y/N hates him; she never thought that she would ever think of him.

Even mafia like Han trembled at his name.

If someone can help Y/N in this situation, then only he can do it, and that is KIM NAMJOON.

Y/N picks up her mobile and searches for contacts.

Why is Y/N searching the contact because Namjoon's number is still a part of her contact list? She herself does not know why she has saved his number till date, whereas she should have deleted it three years ago.

Y/N hates Namjoon but not the whole Kim family; she has not forgotten the wound she got three years ago.

For any girl, her wedding day is the most special, and because of Namjoon, not only her wedding day but her whole life is ruined.

Y/N gets Namjoon's number, cold iceberg, the number was saved by the same name, she didn't always hate Namjoon, rather she was impressed by his handsome face and big body features...

In the past, whenever she used to meet Namjoon, she used to regret why she didn't meet him earlier, why his brother proposed her first.

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now