I'm afraid to lose you

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in the restaurant

Lisa: You love him Stupid

Y/N : no it can't be

Jass: Oh come on Y/N ,tae's chapter is close , don't stop yourself, you feel special when he touches you, this is a sign that you love him

Y/N : Really, I do not understand anything.

Lisa: He is showing his love but you are not understanding, think about it

Y/N : Maybe you're right, it's getting late, I should go now, it's not easy being a mafia's wife, there's tight security all the time, 2 guards will still be waiting for me outside

Lisa and Jass Smile

Lisa: Go on, and think about what we said.

Y/N ; Okay, bye

Lisa: Bye

Y/N sits in her car and starts going towards the house, her bodyguards were sitting in front, Y/N was checking her mobile when suddenly the car gets a loud jolt.

The car collided with another car and the other car fled the scene, Y/N 's car got damaged in front but the people sitting inside were not hurt much.

But Y/N 's head collided with the glass of the car, which hurt her head and she fainted.

the guards took her to the hospital

Doctor treats her

Meanwhile, Namjoon also comes there, he runs to Y/N 's room.

Namjoon goes inside the room and goes towards Y/N , the worry on his face was clearly visible, as Y/N used to see for Taehyung,

Namjoon hugs Y/N tightly, he was looking very upset.

Y/N was shocked to see him like this.

Namjoon breaks the hug

Namjoon: Are you all right? are you hurt anywhere else

he had tears in his eyes

Y/N : I am fine..

Namjoon hug her again...

Then after a while he turn to his bodyguard...

Namjoon: how this is happen...what the fuck you guys doing...

Guard : sir it's happen all of sudden...a car just hit our car and runaway...

Namjoon: did you see that car number ..

Guard: no sir..its happened all of sudden...

Namjoon: what nonsense...

Yoongi: calm down Namjoon...its may be simple accident...

Y/n: I'm fine don't worry...its just a simple accident...

He turn to Y/n...and cupping her face

Namjoon: I was so afraid...I'm afraid to lose you...

They stare each other...

They return to home...

Namjoon puts Y/N on the bed and starts leaving.

Y/N holds his hand

Y/N : Don't go, stay with me please

Namjoon comes towards her and lies down next to her.

both lay facing each other

Y/N slowly moves closer to him and kisses his lips.

After some time

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now