it's good to see you Hyung

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Kim Taehyung ,Namjoon's younger brother, was the person Y/N met Namjoon because of

Taehyung and Y/N were classmates and roommates but not bedmates

Off course, Mafia's brother's roommate, strange, isn't it?

Namjoon has always been very protective of his family, at least after the murder of his dad, being a mafia is not easy, there is always a threat to his life, not only his own but also the family's.

Namjoon hides Taehyung 's identity because he wanted to protect Taehyung from his enemies, he didn't want anyone else in his family to die like his father.

3 year ago

Despite being together, Y/N never came to know that he is the brother of the mafia.

Y/N finds out when Taehyung is attacked

Namjoon had to drop everything to meet Taehyung himself.

Taehyung lay on the couch, his arm was hurt, and it was bleeding.

Y/N was giving him first aid, fear, anxiety and curiosity were mixed on her face.

Y/N didn't understand anything

Taehyung : baby, relax, i'm fine

Y/N: Relax, how do I calm myself down, who were those people and those people tried to kill you, how do I calm down

Before Taehyung can say anything, the doorbell rings.

Y/N: Who can be there at 2 in the morning,

Taehyung : go check

Y/N gets up and opens the door As Y/N opens the door, someone pushes the door so hard that she falls.

The man was in a black suit, with glasses on his eyes, and anger was clear on his face.

Big body, his wide chest was clearly visible despite the perfectly fitting suit

Y/N was still on the floor and the man with whom two other men were

The man went and sat next to Tae without looking at Y/N.

The remaining 2 men who definitely looked like bodyguards of that big chest, one of them helped Y/N.

Taehyung : Hyung, you didn't need to be here, i'm fine

Y/N: Hyung, Taehyung , do you have a brother too?

that big chest stared at Y/N

Namjoon: Who is she?

Taehyung : Hyung, she is my girlfriend

Namjoon: How did all this happen; do you recognize the attacker?

Y/N: We were walking home from a friend's party, suddenly a car stopped in front of us and two masked men started firing at us.

Namjoon: did I ask you

Y/N: what,you arrogant bast....

Taehyung : Y/N, he's my elder brother ,

Y/N: so what...I know all this must have happened because of you, someone tried to kill Taehyung to take revenge on you, tell me what have you done

Namjoon stands up and walks towards Y/N

Namjoon: Yes, you are probably right, whatever your name is,

Y/N: Y/N, Y/N is my name, you understand

Namjoon gets angry

Namjoon: Yes, I am an arrogant bastard, because I am a mafia king, you are still alive because you are my brother's girlfriend.

Y/N: Mafia, Taehyung , Mafia, you are  brother of this mafia, I can't believe it

Taehyung : Hyung, you shouldn't have told this now

Namjoon: whatever , you are coming with me come on

Taehyung : Hyung, my final exams are going on, i can't leave everything like this

Namjoon: Ok, I will stay here till your exam is over.

Y/N: what,you can't stay here...

Namjoon: and who are you to told me...

Y/N: this is my apartment too...

Namjoon: and I'm the owner of this place...

Y/N look at Taehyung

Taehyung gesture

Y/N angrily leave

Taehyung goes to Y/N's room

Y/N was standing in the balcony

Taehyung : baby what are you doing there

Y/N: Preparing to jump from here

Taehyung : Y/N, this is a 106th floor building.

Y/N: don't joke I am angry with you

Taehyung : Sorry baby, I should have told you all this earlier.

Y/N: Your brother, he is very disgusting man, he does not know how to behave with girls.

Taehyung : Y/N, don't say that about my brother, I know he's a little rude and cold, but he's not a bad guy, he loves me a lot so he was a little angry.

Y/N: Sorry, but I hate him, he left a great impression on me in the very first meeting.

Y/N turn and about to leave when she saw Namjoon was standing In front of her...

Taehyung also saw Namjoon and Y/n left

Taehyung : I'm sorry Hyung behalf of her ...she is like this...she get angry so fast...just like you...

Namjoon: I don't care about her but I care about you...I don't want to lose really think she can be your you told me on call that you are going to propose her after you graduate...

Taehyung : yes Hyung, I really love her...and only she can become Kim family's daughter in law...

Namjoon: hmm...ok...go and take some rest...

Taehyung : ok...

He about to leave...

Taehyung : it's good to see you Hyung...

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now