she will always be in danger

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Namjoon was standing in front of her car on the other side of the road

both look at each other and smile

Y/N was very excited to tell Namjoon that she loves him as much as he does

She was about to cross the road when a car stops in front of Y/N and forces her to sit inside the car.

Namjoon gets shocked that his guards were also not with him and he had forgotten his gun at the office.

Namjoon sits in the car and follows the car in which Y/N was.

the car was going out of town

Y/N : Who are you, and why have you kidnapped me, Namjoon will not leave you

mask man: We kidnapped you because of your husband.

Y/N : let me go

Mask man: What's the hurry?

the man pulls out a knife

Namjoon: Yoongi, Y/N has been kidnapped, they are taking the car away from the city, block the way now.

Yoongi: Got it, I'll be there soon

Namjoon was constantly following the car

Namjoon: If anything happens to my Y/N , I swear, I will give you a worse death, whoever kidnapped her.

That man puts a knife on Y/N 's throat and with the sharp tip of that knife cuts her throat from which blood comes.

Y/N groans in pain.

Y/N : Please don't kill me

Man: You deserve this, your biggest mistake, you should not have been in Namjoon's life

Tears start flowing from Y/N 's eyes

The man made a cut on her cheek with a knife, she scream in pain

Then the other man driving the car said

Man 2: Look there are many vehicles in front, it seems they are the people of Namjoon, what to do now?

Man 1: Because of this girl they are after us, lets throw it away and run away

Those people throw the injured Y/N out of the car, the car was not in high speed and she got few scratches but she had a deep cut on her cheek.

They take u turn and run away through the jungle and Namjoon's men chase them but after going some way, those kidnappers disappear from there.

Namjoon's car stops near Y/N and he runs away from the car and goes towards Y/N , she was injured and unconscious.

Namjoon picks her up and puts her in the car and takes her to the hospital.

Namjoon was waiting outside the ward

the doctor comes

Namjoon: How is she now doctor?

Doctor: Your wife has got some scratches and there is a deep knife cut on her cheek, I have stitched it but this mark will remain forever, after this accident she may have some kind of trauma, so take special care.

Namjoon: I will, thank you doctor.

the doctor leaves

then there comes yoongi

yoongi: how is she now?

Namjoon: Still unconscious

yoongi: There is no serious injury, is there?

Namjoon: No, but, was anything found about those kidnappers?

yoongi: our men chased them but they escaped

Namjoon: My suspicion was correct, when the accident happened for the first time, I suspected that it was done intentionally, there is someone who wants to kill Y/N .

Yoongi: Kill Y/N ? But who and why?

Namjoon: That's what we're looking for

Namjoon starts leaving from there

yoongi: where are you going

Namjoon: Anyone who can answer my question, Han

yoongi: your enemy, i am also coming with you

With this both of them go towards Han's house.

Namjoon opens the door loudly, party is going on inside, Han was sitting with some girls.

Namjoon goes to his and holds him by the throat

Han's men come towards them but Yoongi points a gun at Han's head and everyone stops.

Han: What is all this, what do you want, you bastard

Namjoon: Why do you want to kill my wife, she married me because

Han laughs

yoongi: have you gone mad

Han: Namjoon, we have always been enemies, it does not mean that even for a girl, I will fight with you or try to kill your wife, look at me, I have no shortage of girls.

Namjoon: You didn't get my wife attacked?

Han: What do I need?

Namjoon releases her throat

Namjoon starts leaving from there

Han: Mafia King, I am not your only enemy, there are many, as long as your wife is with you, she will always be in danger.

Namjoon and yoongi come back from there

Namjoon goes to the hospital and goes to Y/N 's room.

she was still unconscious

Namjoon sits next to her and holds her hand

Namjoon: I'm sorry I couldn't save you again, but I won't spare the person who did this to you.

Namjoon brings Y/N home after a few days.

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now