Marry Me Namjoon!

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Y/N's Dad: What nonsense, what a joke, what is happening here

Namjoon's mother: What are you saying?

Namjoon: Mom, he left, leaving everything behind, Taehyung gone forever, he said he didn't want to marry

Y/N: You are lying, he cannot do this.

Namjoon: He did

Y/N: He can't do that, he can't break the marriage without any reason, what did you tell him?

Namjoon stares at her

he knew what Y/N was talking about

Namjoon: I didn't say anything

Y/N: Lie, he has broken the marriage because of you, tell me I am right

Namjoon Silent

Y/N: Why did you do this, I had trusted you

Namjoon silent

Y/N's Dad: What is going on here?

suddenly he falls to the ground

everyone takes him to the hospital

Doctor: High blood pressure, probably too much stress

everyone was quiet

Y/N goes to Namjoon and slaps him.

Y/N: happy now, Kim Namjoon, i hate you, never show me your face again

End of flashback

Y/N sees his number in her mobile and calls without thinking twice.

Call picks up after a few rings

words stuck in Y/N's throat

From the other side

Namjoon: Want to meet?

Y/N: yes

Namjoon: Where, your place or my place

Y/N: Old Apartment

Namjoon: Tomorrow at 5 pm

Y/N: ok

They hang up the call

Y/N: Sorry dad, I know you also hate Kim Namjoon, but I have to do this, to avoid that Han

The next day she was confused how would she face the person because of whom her marriage broke up.

In these 3 years neither she met Taehyung nor Namjoon again

Y/N just wanted to get herself out of trouble

It was about 5 in the evening, she gets ready and takes a taxi to the same apartment where she and Taehyung used to live.

Y/N 's heart was beating very fast.

She looks up as the taxi pulls to a stop near the apartment

slowly she was walking towards the apartment

Namjoon's bodyguards were standing near the door, it didn't take her long to understand that he was already inside.

She goes to the door and a bodyguard opens the door for her

she goes in

As soon as she goes inside she sees Namjoon sitting on the couch his back was towards the door but still he senses

Y/N goes towards him

Namjoon: How wonderful, yesterday I was in my room and there was a girl lying beside me, looking at that girl I thought I wish you were with me instead of her, and in a few seconds your call came, and Right now, I was thinking what I would do with you when you come, and you came,

He stands up from his place and turns towards Y/N .

Y/N stares at him

Namjoon: Welcome Home

with a bitter smile

Y/N : More handsome and dangerous than ever, often his exploits are seen in news and newspapers, Namjoon, you have become more merciless than ever, but why?

Y/N : I have not come here to listen to your nonsense, I have not forgotten what you did with me in the past.

Namjoon's smile vanishes, his gaze becomes sharp.

Namjoon: straight to the point

Y/N : Marry me Namjoon!

Namjoon gets shocked listening to her.

Namjoon: Did I hear right? Marriage and that too with Park Y/N 

Namjoon: The reason for proposing me suddenly, have you remembered our kiss, do you want more?

Y/N : stop talking nonsense, dream of doing anything with me

Namjoon: Believe me Y/N , we have crossed all limits in my dreams

Y/N gets angry

Y/N : Will you  marry me, or should I search someone else

Namjoon stares at her and slowly walks towards her.

Y/N retraces her steps and stops because of the wall.

Namjoon pins her to the wall

Namjoon: Don't even think about someone else, tell me the reason, you are asking for marriage with the one whom you hate, there must be some big reason

Y/N : Han, he wants to marry me or else he will kill my family.

Namjoon: Han, my old enemy, ok wait, that's why you have come to me,

Namjoon: Han did something nice for me (smile)

Y/N : Why are you smiling, will you help, see the contract is only for 1 year, after that you are on your way and I am mine, tell me quickly

Namjoon: Be patient baby, this is not enough in the contract

Y/N : what do you mean

Namjoon: There must be some rules

Y/N : what kind of rules

Namjoon: Rule No. 1: Break up with your so called boyfriend

Y/N : how do you know

Namjoon: Mafia Power Baby, Gotta Keep An Eye On What's Mine

Y/N : what nonsense

Namjoon: Mafia King's wife in relationship with another guy, shame on me

Y/N : Ok, done

Namjoon: Rule no. 2 : In front of my family and in front of your family also we have to pretend that we are deeply in love

Y/n: why?

Namjoon; because of my mom....i can't say further...agree or not

Y/n: ok fine

Namjoon: Rule No. 3

Y/n: how many rules there are..?

Namjoon: this is last one..

Y/n: ok say...

Namjoon: you will give me your v*rginity

Y/N : What!!!, what nonsense, and how do you know? Don't Say Mafia Power

NAMJOON: I know you very well, in 2 years of relationship with my brother, you never let him touch you,

Namjoon: Shit, I promised myself not to mention Taehyung.

tears come from Y/N 's eyes

Y/N : ok fine just help me out of this problem

she left without saying anything

Namjoon gets angry with himself

Namjoon: I made her cry again.and I hate it...

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now