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After coming home, Y/N went to the bathroom and was standing under the shower, she herself does not know how long she was there.

She was crying, the scene of the hospital was playing in her mind.

Then two hands hold her waist

Namjoon: Y/N , your body is so cold, how long have you been here?

Y/N looks at Namjoon, being in the shower, Namjoon could not see her tears but the pain was clearly visible in her eyes.

Namjoon: Baby, are you alright?

Y/N smiles

Y/N : Do you love me?

Namjoon: yes

Y/N : prove it

Namjoon: what do you mean

Y/N : Do it with me right now

Namjoon: Y/N , what happened to you?

Y/N kisses him

Y/N : Love me Namjoon, right now

Namjoon was clearly seeing that this is not Y/N , she has changed today.

He was confused and Y/N kisses him again.

And under compulsion, Namjoon has to obey Y/N .

both did

But Namjoon found it strange that her behavior had changed but he did not ask anything else.

Namjoon's sister want to go to club with some of her friends, so she insists on Y/N as well, finally Namjoon gives permission but sends Yoongi along with them.

everyone goes to the club

Yoongi and Jihyo had a secret relationship, both of them were secretly dating each other, but Namjoon did not know anything about it, both were afraid that Namjoon would never agree.

Jihyo had already told everything to Y/N .

Y/N had no problem, she thinks Jihyo has every right to choose her life partner.

everyone has a lot of fun in the club

Everyone drinks, and yoongi and jihyo were lost in each other and on this side Y/N drinks a lot, she has no senses

Y/N 's old boyfriend was also there, he goes to Y/N in a drunken state and dances with her as Y/N was unconscious.

Seeing Y/N in this condition, an evil thought comes to Changbin's mind.

He takes Y/N to a private room

Changbin pushes Y/N onto the bed

She was totally intoxicated but she had a feeling that something was about to go wrong.

She tries to push Changbin away but he overpowers her.

Just then the door opens and yoongi comes in. He pushes Changbin and starts punching him.

When Y/N is nowhere to be seen Yoongi and Jihyo call Namjoon and they both start searching for Y/N .

A waiter tells yoongi that Changbin has taken Y/N with him to the upstairs room.

Namjoon comes there and was about to shoot Changbin but Yoongi stops him.

everyone comes back home

Y/N was sleeping

Namjoon was also very angry with yoongi and forbade him to come to his house.

it was 10 in the morning

Y/N 's eyes open

Y/N sees Namjoon. His eyes were red with anger.

Namjoon: What have you got by doing all this?

Y/N : Namjoon, what are you saying? (she smell strong alcohol ) are you drunk...?

Namjoon: yes because of you...You don't care at all about my reputations, what if that bastard had succeeded in his plans?

Y/N : Sorry Namjoon, I was drunk

Namjoon: you were drunk so You went to bed with your ex or did you do it intentionally?

Y/N gets angry and stands up and goes in front of Namjoon.

Y/N : what did you say

Namjoon: of course i could be right

Y/N : I can't believe, how can you even think like this, at least I am not like you, who is pretending to be in love by marrying me despite having a girlfriend and son, I came to know, you yourself be a cheater

Namjoon's face turned pale on hearing this.

Namjoon: how do you know

Y/N : How i know it is not necessary, but it is true, why Namjoon why?

A tear welled up in her eyes...

Namjoon close his eyes...



Y/N : And me, what am I

Namjoon Silent

Y/N : I thought you really love me but I was wrong, I love you too,

I LOVE YOU DAME FUCKING SO MUCH , but you are not worth it, end of contract,

Namjoon: Fine, you can go as you wish, I will not stop you

Y/N looks at him

Y/N : You are just like your brother, a coward and a cheater.

Namjoon angrily looks at her

Y/N leaves from there

Namjoon sits on the floor

he cries a lot

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now