Namjoon was lying to me till now?

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Y/N was very calm, she was still not able to emerge from that accident, that man had become her nightmare.

Often at night she woke up from sleep screaming,

Namjoon leaves all his work and stays with Y/N and comforts her.

a month passed

Namjoon had kept tight security, he did not want any more attack,

He was very much in love with Y/N and he tried everything to catch those kidnappers, but to no avail.

Y/N was bored being imprisoned like this at home, she wanted to go out but Namjoon was not letting her go out.

She ask permission to Namjoon to go to Lisa's house...he give her permission for few hours but with full security

Y/N visits her friends

they were all at lisa's house

jass: Y/N , the guard standing outside is yours

Y/N : Yes, Namjoon has become very cautious after that attack, and has given me permission to come here with great difficulty.

Lisa: He loves you, he cares for you Y/N

Y/N : I know

Lisa: Did you tell him you love him too?

Y/N : Not yet, the situation is such that I have not got a chance

jess: you should tell me, who knows tomorrow or not, he is a mafia, anything can happen to him

Y/N : Shut up jass, if anything happens to him, I will not be able to live

Jess: oh come on I was just joking. Don't feel bad...

lisa gets a call

Lisa picks up the call and her face turns pale as she hears the other

Y/N : what happened

Lisa: My mom, she just got an accident, I have to go to the hospital.

jass: we also go with you

With this all three leave for the hospital.

all three reach the hospital

Lisa goes to her mother's room. Y/N and Jass also follow her.

She was very hurt, Lisa was crying and Y/N and Jass take care of her.

After some time

Lisa was with her mother and jass and Y/N were sitting outside on the bench

Y/N : I am not feeling well, I do not like this hospital, I am going to have coffee, will you also?

jass: yes, get it for me too

Y/N : ok

It was 11 in the night, Y/N did not get a chance to tell Namjoon anything.

So she was typing messages on her mobile for Namjoon when she heard a familiar voice in the hallway.

she sees

Namjoon was hugging a girl

she knew that girl

Y/N : Irene, she and Namjoon, here, she was about to go towards them then

Nurse: Mr. Kim, your son is fine now, you can take him home, we need your signature on these papers.

Namjoon signs

Y/N hides in a corner so that Namjoon cannot see her.

Y/N : Irene was Namjoon's girlfriend, 3 years back, they both had a son, means, Namjoon was lying to me till now, it was all his drama, he don't love me, he hid such a big thing from me, if he had Irene and his son so why did he marry me

Y/N sits on the floor crying

people around were staring at her

only then

Nurse: Are you okay ma'am?

She comes to her senses and comes back home from there

she told jass before coming

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