clean up the garbage

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Namjoon pov

I won't lie...she is beautiful...her pinky cheeks...her lips...her eyes...and most important her anger...which is always on top of her me...good...good choice of my brother is deeply in love with her...but to be honest...I also like her...yes he's right she's is perfect to be Kim family daughter in law but for Kim Namjoon but Kim Taehyung already take luck...her lips ahh...why I cannot forgot that will they taste...of course sweet...fuck...what am I thinking...Mafia King Kim Namjoon...melt....for just a girl who was my own brother's girlfriend...

Forgot her Namjoon...she is already taken

Next day

Y/N opens bathroom door to take bath but it was locked

Y/N : Tae is that you?

No reply

Y/N : Tae do it fast I'm getting late...

She sit on a corner of bed...

Y/N : Tae, please come out fast...i'm getting late...

Suddenly door open...

She stand up quickly and go toward bathroom then she saw Namjoon with half naked body only towel on his waist...

Water drop falling from his abs...and in wet hair he looks more handsome...

He stare y/n and y/n just stuck on her place...

y/n: oh my god...what the fuck I just saw...he's looking so dame mafia's looks like him...

Namjoon: what is she staring...did she never saw a man...wait...i'm only in towel...that's why she's staring...but I don't know why...I saw her lips...this is I want...what a beauty (he bite his lips) can I taste your lips...

She saw him biting his lower lips...

Y/n: what are you doing...

Namjoon: I'm just controlling myself to kiss you Ms...

Namjoon: don't you have eyes...

Y/n: what are you doing in Taehyung 's bathroom...

Namjoon: and what are you doing in Taehyung 's bedroom...

Y/n: you...move aside...i'm late...

She rush toward bathroom

Namjoon smile

Namjoon: did I smile? ?GOD...what happen to me

He left

Namjoon drop both of them to their college...

He also finding that attackers who attack Taehyung ...

Taehyung : Y/N, listen to me

Y/N: I am going to stay at my friend's place, I am not going to stay with you at your brother's place.

Taehyung : it's only a matter of few days

Y/N: It's a matter of few days, didn't you hear what he said last night,

you are coming with me

Taehyung : Yes, I have to go with him, but

Y/N: but ? what?

Taehyung : Look, I was going to ask you this after graduation, but marry me, Y/N, and come with me.

Taehyung takes a ring out of his pocket and puts it on yn's finger

Y/N gets teary eyed and hugs Taehyung .

Taehyung and Y/N come back home

Y/N goes to her room

She was about to go inside the bathroom to take a shower when she hears some noises.

Y/N comes out and sees Namjoon sitting on the couch and 2 men sitting near his feet, Taehyung standing behind.

Namjoon: Were these the people, Taehyung , who attacked you?

Taehyung : I don't know Hyung, he had a mask on his face

Namjoon takes out his gun and points it straight at both of their heads.

Namjoon: was it you

Both of those men were already very injured, both of them were very badly beaten.

Man: Sir, we are sorry, we thought he was an ordinary boy, we had a contract given by Han to kill him.

Without a second's delay, Kim Namjoon shoots the man in the head.

The man's lifeless body falls on the floor and the whole floor turns red with blood.

Y/N screams out loud

Taehyung runs to her and

Namjoon: Take her inside right now, what is she doing here

Taehyung takes Y/N inside the room

Namjoon: clean up the garbage (asks his bodyguard)

Namjoon leaves from there but before leaving

Yn pov

Y/N: What is all this (her words tremble)

Taehyung : Mafia, what else do you expect,

Y/N: Your brother has committed a murder just now.

Taehyung : These are the people who tried to kill us.

Y/N: So what, you could have given them to the police also, what was the need to kill those people?

Taehyung : Y/N calm down,

Suddenly another gun shot sounds and Y/N hugs Taehyung .

Y/N: I don't want to stay here, I have to leave.

Taehyung : Y/N, I'm here

Y/N: I don't want to stay here, you heard, I want to go to Lisa's house.

Taehyung : ok, let's go

Lisa's house

Taehyung : Are you sure you want to stay here?

Y/N: Yes, at least there is no dead body here

Taehyung : Y/N, please.

Y/N: Look Taehyung , my dad is very simple, if he comes to know that your family is mafia, he will never agree for our marriage, and I love you, if you want to be with me then stay away from mafia world, i can't stand it all

Taehyung : Don't worry Y/N, I will take care of everything

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now