He never came back

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Y/N : What a shameless person, how easily he is talking about my ex in front of me as if nothing happened, but no matter how much I hate him, he is the one who can help me right now

next day

Y/N 's Dad: Are you out of your mind, whose brother cheated you , you love him and want to marry, what about Han, he will kill us, he will kill you.

then there comes Namjoon

Namjoon: It's not that easy Mr. Park, no one can even touch Kim Namjoon's future wife

Y/N looks at Namjoon and fake smile.

Namjoon comes near Y/N and puts his hand around her waist.

Namjoon: It is my responsibility to protect Y/N

Y/N 's Dad: To escape from one mafia you are with another mafia

Y/N : Dad, we are dating each other since a long time.

Y/N 's Mom: You never mentioned before

Namjoon: Because you both don't like me

Y/N 's Dad: Of course, we hate you, we will never forget how your coward brother ran away.

Namjoon: Mr. Park!! stay in limits

Y/N : Namjoon

before someone says something

HAN: My enemy, that too with my future wife.

Namjoon: Correction Han, Y/N is my future wife, and we are going to get married next week.

Han: Namjoon, how dare you,

He signals his men to shoot Namjoon, but before anyone could do anything, Namjoon's men were standing with guns pointed at Han's men.

Han: you didn't do it right you will regret it

Saying this he left..

Y/n: see dad...Namjoon is the man who will able to protect me

Y/n's dad left without saying anything...

Next day

Changbin: Y/n..please don't..i can't live without you...you can't break up with me without any reason...

Y/n: I'm sorry Changbin...but..I'm getting married soon...so it's better for both of us...I have to go...bye..

Changbin: you can't go like this..(he grab her hand)

Y/n: leave my hand ....

Changbin: no I won't you can't leave me...

He grab her neck and pressing his body toward her...she groan in pain...

Suddenly someone push him hard...

Namjoon: how dare you touch my women...

He pull out his gun and point at him...

He about to pull the trigger but

Y/n: please don't...leave him...

Namjoon put down his gun...

Namjoon : you better stay away from her...or next time I won't listen to any one...got it..

Changbin run away.

Y/n: what are you doing here.

Namjoon: to protect you is my responsibility

Y/n: I'm not your real girlfriend or wife whom you are so much concerned

Namjoon: it's a contract but still I have to protect you...let's go

He grabs her hand and dragging her toward his car

Y/n: where are you taking me...

Namjoon: you'll know soon...

With that he makes her sit in car and he sit on driving seat...

They left 

After a while they reach in front of the big mansion...of course it's Kim Mansion

Y/n: why are you bring me here ...

Namjoon: mom want to meet you...let's go inside...

They go inside where Namjoon's mom and his sister already waiting for them...

Y/n: hello Mrs. Kim...how are you...

Mrs.Kim:I'm good my love...how are you...I'm so glade that you accept my son's proposal...I'm sorry what happen with you in past...

Y/n: I move on Mrs.Kim...so you don't need to apologize..i'm fine...

Y/n: I'm not fine Mrs.Kim...you younger son left me and your elder son is want my body...

Jihyo: hi Y/n, did you remember me..i'm Namjoon's sister...

Y/n: of course I remember you...(smile)

All three women start chitchatting...

Seeing them like this Namjoon felt so good...it's like a heavy burden come down from his chest...

Mrs. Kim : Y/n, promise me...you will never leave Namjoon....i lost my one son...I don't want to lose my another son...(drop of tear fell from her eyes) 3 year..and still I don't know where is taehyung...(yn shock)

Y/n: um..Mrs. Kim he didn't come back

Mrs. Kim: don't say you don't know anything...

Y/n: what...

Jihyo: : he never came back nor did he ever call me

Y/n is shock

She looks for Namjoon but does not see him anywhere.

Jihyo: looking for Namjoon?

Y/n: yes..

Jihyo: must be in his room...I'll show you his room...

With that both girl go toward his room...

Jihyo: I'm sorry..my mom is still traumatized because of Taehyung sudden disappearance

Y/n: I understand...

Jihyo: aren't you uncomfortable...I mean...what Tae did and you still date Namjoon...

y/n: as I said..i move on ..(smile)

jihyo: it's good to see you again y/n..

they bothsmile..

jihyo: here..this is his room..you go i have to go...

Y/n: ok..

She left and Y/n go inside the room

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now