what have I done to you

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Namjoon: Sorry Y/N I had to do this so that you stay safe, whoever wants to kill you wants to kill you because of me, and I will not be able to bear it if anything happens to you because of me, because I only love you

a week passes

Y/N was at her parents' house

Her parents told her to forget whatever happened, but she could not forget Namjoon.

In a small part of her heart still believed that Namjoon would definitely come to take her back.

Y/N was in her room when she gets a call from Jihyo.

Y/N : Jihyo, what happened?

Jihyo: Y/N , can you come home, it's mom's birthday and I need your help ...

Y/N : But now

Jihyo: Don't worry, my brother is not at home.

Y/N : Ok, I am coming

With this, Y/N leaves for Namjoon's house.

Namjoon was in his office, and Yoongi walks in.

Namjoon; What are you doing here

Yoongi: I want to show you something

Namjoon: what

Yoongi: I have found a cctv footage, the day Y/N was attacked for the first time, the number plate of the car is not visible but a glimpse of the driver is visible, and I think you should see this

yoongi plug the pendrive into the laptop

they both watch the footage

Namjoon is shocked to see the footage

Namjoon: How can this be?...i understand now...It's time for me to tell Y/N everything

yoongi: everything

Namjoon: Some secrets I've buried in my heart, now is the time

Namjoon leaves for Y/N 's house

Namjoon goes inside the house

Namjoon: Y/N , Y/N , where are you

Y/N 's Dad: You, what are you doing here, haven't you found peace after breaking my daughter's heart?

Namjoon: There is no time for all these things, I have to talk to Y/N about something important, where is she?

Y/N 's mother: She has gone to your house, Jihyo call her , she said that it is your mother's birthday and she needs Y/N 's help.

Namjoon: What, birthday, but today is not mom's birthday, wait, oh no, maybe my family is in danger, I have to go

Y/N 's Dad: What are you saying?

But without listening to her, Namjoon runs out of the house.

he gets in his car and drives as fast as he can

Y/N goes inside the house and it was very dark there.

Suddenly someone attacks her on the head and she falls on the ground.

The light turns on and he sees the same masked men who attacked him.

She looks ahead where Namjoon's mother and sister were tied up it's a trap...trap for her

Despite so much security, how did that attacker come here so easily,

This was the question in Y/N 's mind

the man takes off his mask

Y/N : I have seen you somewhere, but where

Man: Must have seen, and soon I'm the last person you'll see, cause I'll kill you soon

He takes out a big knife and was about to stab Y/N 's throat with that knife when someone attacks the man.

Y/N sees that it was Namjoon.

Namjoon: How dare you touch my wife, the man's back was towards Namjoon, so he could not see his face.

Namjoon was about to shoot the man, when someone hits Namjoon on the head with a vase.

everyone looks in that direction

Y/N :Irene?

Irene: how dare you try to kill my brother

Namjoon falls to the ground

Y/N : You were Namjoon's girlfriend, why do you want to kill me?

Irene: because you are the reason for all the problems,

Y/N : what have I done to you

Irene: you took both my boyfriends away from me

Y/N : Stop talking nonsense, you and Namjoon have a son too, I did not come between you two.

Irene: you don't know anything, maybe your dear husband didn't tell you anything, i will tell you everything

My Ex's MAFIA Brother [Kim Namjoon]Where stories live. Discover now