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"A chakra network corroding drug?" Hiruzen's eyebrows were in his hairline as he listened to the Kagerou explain why he happened to be in the vicinity to save Minato. 

Minato looked horrified at the implication that was their intention for him. To make him unable to continue being a shinobi. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru were in the room as well because they served as advisors to Hiruzen. "It's currently in the testing phase, the side effects are rather painful for the person to be of any use after losing their chakra network." 

"As if losing an integral part of being human isn't enough," Tsunade scrunched her nose. 

"You'll be in crippling pain, so much so that your hands and feet start to curl inwards," Kagerou looked unbothered by the graphic depiction he was painting. "It's mostly being developed to subdue children being sold. Once they get older they tend to explode chakra outwards due to mental overload which burns their owners. This is the remedy they are proposing." 

"The information you've provided is certainly of high quality. What do you want in exchange?" Hiruzen got to the point and at this, Kagerou turned to Minato who smiled. 

"In all honesty, I was just tracking this for my curiosity," Kagerou shrugged before jerking a thumb toward Minato. "I don't like seeing potential rape victims. The men I killed who were responsible for kidnapping him were very organized, under the radar enough to roam your village, and had ideas to make him the hottest commodity." 

"I won't lie, I'm interested in the drug, I want to break it down and find the flaw in it," He continued. "But that's just my irritation to seeing defective drugs. I'm sure every medic has this issue." 

"You're a medic shinobi?" Tsunade perked up at that. 

"I have to be, the life of a mercenary can end very quickly if you don't know your poison and how to make an antidote," Kagerou sighed. "What I'm saying is that me finding your golden boy was pure coincidence. I wanted to get back on the road but I'm afraid Minato here has developed Transference." 

"Excuse me what?" Hiruzen looked concerned. 

Kagerou made a vague hand gesture. "Falling in love with your savior? The only reason I'm here is because Minato doesn't want me to go anywhere and he wouldn't come back to Konoha unless I followed him. It's temporary but I suggest strong therapy." 

Minato frowned. "You promised." 

Kagerou gazed at him. "I know I did but you need help. This isn't healthy. You were going to be raped, you were drugged to such an extent you couldn't even talk or move properly. You were vulnerable and I was a white knight. I know you're grateful but it's overflowing and it's not sticking to just being grateful."

Minato started sniffing as his vision blurred with tears. "There's nothing wrong with me!"

It was a strong reaction, even Jiraiya looked concerned. Kagerou reached out to caress Minato's hair. The effect was instant, he leaned into it, forgetting he was before his Hokage and his advisors. Even Tsunade could see the issue right in her face. It was odd, this man looked disinterested but he had within his palm their greatest shinobi.

"Minato, I apologize," Kagerou replied simply. "But please go to therapy. For me? Just to be safe?"

"You have to go with me," He imposed and Kagerou looked over at them with a 'See what I mean' expression.

"You know I can't go with you. That would hinder your healing," Kagerou explained patiently.


Kagerou got stern. "Minato, please. When you recover and have been cleared for active duty again we can revisit our previous conversation that got you to even come back," He sighed. "I never thought I would see the day a mercenary brings back a war hero and has to convince him to stay put."

"Can I tag you?" Minato tilted his head.

"Excuse me?" Kagerou narrowed his gaze. "You're not tagging me with your fancy teleportation seal."

"It was worth asking," He sniffed before turning back to his superiors. "Just take me to the ward at the end of the day. I want to spend it with Kagerou."

"That depends on him," Orochimaru turned to the mercenary who was already nodding.

"I would rather we leave on positive terms," Kagerou got up. "I need a drink and some food."

Minato got up to cling to his bicep. Kagerou rolled his shoulders. "I'll bring him back at the end of the day or you can find us. Whichever comes first."

Once on the outside Kagerou took to walking within the shadows so no one could see Minato. The excuse they used to hide the fact Minato was kidnapped was that he was on a secret assignment. "I-I have food in my apartment," He said softly. "I can cook for you. I also have sake."

"Alright lead the way," Kagerou looked down at Minato who still looked upset.

'Sorry I have to play healthy. The people behind you can smell bullshit quicker than you if I didn't suggest therapy. Plus they've probably decided to look into the information I provided and look for my records with the mercenary guild. They won't find anything out of order and that would be suspicious but it would be boring if I wasn't a bit suspicious.'

Kagerou entered through the back entrance of Minato's apartment building and they quickly made their way inside. Once inside Minato looked up at him. "Don't beg me Minato. You need this."

"But I don't want therapy," Minato protested.

"You're just afraid that the fluttering in your chest is going to disappear," Kagerou responded. "Minato I'm not trying to leave you behind but you need to cope and sort out what happened to you. If at the end of this, you still want to try, if your heart is fluttering for me I'll move to Konoha."

This was a double-edged sword. This wasn't going to help Minato at all. Telling him this would only ensure Minato still clings to that feeling. He can suppress it, and hide it perfectly from those around him. He was a shinobi after all. He would wait until he was cleared and come crawling back because the offer was far too tempting. Kagerou could see it clicking in Minato's gaze.

Minato bit his lip. "Okay, fine," He agreed as he pressed himself to Kagerou. "But can we go again? One more time, please?"

"Sure baby," Kagerou kissed him, undoing Minato's Jounin flak jacket. "We got all day, hopefully, you can keep up."

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