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"He's insane," Hiruzen mumbled as he stared at the dark purple pills in the small chest his advisors came back with. "But he's valuable. No one knows about Tsunade's Hundred Healings that's still in beta. But a mere pill provides all the benefits with no backlashes."

"No shaving your life away, no storing of excess chakra. I can't believe crushing, and splicing plants, seeds, and whatever else is in here could give such a result," He continued.

"His mind is brilliant for someone so young," Orochimaru acknowledged. He could honestly see himself bringing Kagerou around for some of his projects.

"I'll continue my endeavor," Tsunade decided. "Since it's possible in a pill humans must achieve the same."

"What is his rate for the exclusive use of this pill?"

"40 million," Jiraiya informed. "He says it includes a non-compete. Meaning he would stop his production."

"Just like that?" Hiruzen asked skeptically. "Sounds suspicious."

"No, we traced his previous customers. He's honest in a world where everyone is at each other's throats. It's the kind of refreshing that's hard to find," Orochimaru scoffed. "But he's handing us a double-edged sword."

"We can have the formula, we paid for it but it's also a target on our backs. Those pills are valuable to other mercenaries, villages, etc. If they ask him why he stopped selling he's going to point towards us," Tsunade clenched her fists. "They'll be on our back. Our shinobi will be targeted and it gives incentive to invade us when we're all still trying to recover. Granted we won the war." 

"How much for his loyalty?" Hiruzen grumbled. 

"3 million a year for how many years you plan to keep him. He wants to have the ability to still focus on his side products," Orochimaru pinched the bridge of his nose. "Care to entertain?" 

"It's not unreasonable," Hiruzen rolled his shoulders. "How far is Minato coming along? I would like him to be the one to deliver the news." 

"Minato's back to normal as far as the therapy sessions can show. He's been focused on building his team for the Chunin Exams," Jiraiya answered. "Should we? He's almost cleared." 

"Might as well set him loose," Hiruzen sighed. "Even though Kagerou said it was just a deed of common decency saviors always have some indulgence towards those they've saved." 

"Well that's one angle to try," Tsunade murmured. "He's a walking asset, how did someone like him end up being a free agent? Nothing could be found about his past. Only information about him as The Doctor." 

"He's good at covering his traces, no one has even known Minato was kidnapped. You would think one slipped through the cracks when he was raiding the place but no, not one soul knows except him, Minato, and us," Jiraiya mumbled. "He's careful and he's got prospects. He knew we were on his trail. He's got a network that's keeping tabs on people interested in working with him. Kumo arrived on the scene and gave them a sample as well. He also mentioned Suna was tracking him as well." 

"Seems we aren't the only village that intends to have him for exclusivity," Hiruzen sighed again as he got his pipe ready. "Get Minato on it. I'll agree to his terms." 


Kagerou was drinking after serving all his customers for the day when he felt it. Minato's chakra. He smiled, did they think Minato could really bring him to their side? He waited as he saw Minato enter the empty bar. No one was here, it was the middle of the night just the two of them. "Are you here to place an order?" Kagerou smirked as he pulled out his black book and turned around on the stool. 

Minato looked confused before it dawned on him that his Hokage and advisors sent him to be a bargaining chip to bring Kagerou to his side. "I'm sorry," He apologized softly. "I didn't realize-"

"It's fine," Kagerou waved him off. "How does it feel, to be used?" 

"It doesn't feel nice," Minato murmured. 

Kagerou snapped the book shut. "Your mission objective is clear isn't it? To gain my exclusivity." 

"I'll tell them I failed," Minato reassured quickly but it only made the other man laugh. 

"You're back on active duty," He noted as he got up to walk over to Minato. "Why didn't you write me?" 

Minato stalled in a response, his face turning flushed. "I-I," He wrung his hands. "I wanted to, every day I clung to that scroll. In every therapy session, I clenched it whenever they tried to convince me that you were only doing it to save me. I know you saved me by getting it out of my system. But the morning we came back, you still indulged me. You were aware, I was aware. It wasn't for getting the drug out, it was for pleasure. I can't put that moment we shared in the duty category." 

"I have been forcing myself to accept it, I buried it, I thought I was over it but seeing you now has made them come back up. I threw that scroll in the bottom of my closet and there are some days when I remember it and some when I don't," His vision was growing blurry as his chin was tilted up to look at Kagerou. "I was almost healed." 

"And yet they push you into my arms," Kagerou chuckled a bit as Minato started crying. "Be honest with me blondie. Were you going to send me a letter when you got cleared?" 

"Of course I was," Minato answered resolutely. "My heart is still beating, it's erratic when I think about you. But the promise is broken. I'm not completely healed yet." 

"It's okay, your answer satisfies me," Kagerou leaned down to kiss the other as Minato gave in and closed his eyes as he was treated to Kagerou's taste again. He felt his heart thumping as the other man wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer and eventually lifting him up. 

"I missed you," Minato moaned as he was placed on a nearby table. Kagerou was undressing him as he sucked hickies into the tanned skin. 

"What do you miss?" Kagerou asked as he got off his Jounin flak jacket and blue long-sleeve. His hands trailed lower, unbuckling his pants and sliding them off smoothly, shoes included. Minato reached out, pulling shyly at Kagerou's simple yukata top. 

"I missed your body," He admitted freely, the other laughed as he pried Minato's thighs apart further. "I missed the way you look at me, your voice, the feel of your body holding mine." 

Kagerou watched Minato's eyes turn into lustful gaze. 'You were so close out of the fog but they pushed you back in. Seems they didn't take it as seriously as I had hoped. You won't be going back for a while. I'm sorry.' 

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