Always Watching

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"Kari if you don't focus

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"Kari if you don't focus." Nala said getting settled into her blocks

"I am focused!" He argued "I'm just taking in the view from back here."

I watch Nala playfully roll her eyes at him before zoning back in. She was running 400m drills. This was her 5th and last run.

Me watching her practice without her knowledge was simply just for me to see how she was doing. That coach part of me wanted to make sure she was progressing.

Yet this Kari nigga being a factor in her life started to irk my soul. He flirts with her almost every practice session and although she doesn't necessarily flirt back she seemed to be in to it in a way.

Yes she technically single, but I moved my whole life out here and she just out here entertaining niggas like it's nothing.

"54.10." Kari said clocking his watch

"Ugh." Nala sighed frustrated "It's like I've just been going backwards since the meet."

"Don't get too frustrated." Kari consoled her "To be fair you had a lot of adrenaline in you between you getting injured and the pressure you put on yourself to be the best, of course you're gonna have faster times on meet days."

Nala only nodded as he handed her water bottle.

"Speaking of injury, how's it healing?" Kari asked

She slowly raised her shorts up exposing more of her upper thigh to him. I couldn't see much from this angle.

"Pretty good." She gestured to her leg "All the punctures closed up, I'm just more so worried about it leaving an ugly scar."

"I still can't believe Kendra did this shit man." Kari said now kneeling running his hand over the area

She seemed comfortable with him touching her there. Which did nothing but cause a million questions to run through my head.

Was he really just here helping her train?

Have they fucked?

Are they still fucking?

Why is she comfortable letting him touch her like that?

"So you coming tomorrow night?" Kari asked

"Maybe." Nala shrugged

"I know you not in to the whole college parties scene but I think you'll have fun. You deserve some."

"Thanks Kari, I'll let you know if I decide to go."


So those were the other plans she had. When I asked her she said "nothing solid" but I didn't think anything of it at the time.

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